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BatMUD Forums > Flame > Rape prots

22 Aug 2010 04:55
I do agree some points that noctur raised. Yet this feels like rape prots have
turned upside down. First they where made to decrease inflation instead they
have made some equipment that are hard to get have ridiculous prices. Of
course everyone cant have the best item for certain slot, but still how many
years do we realistictly have to play this to get some new society in to
"working order". I understand that old players have chests full of stuff its
ok. I fail to see this must have rape prot for over 2 weeks for most monsters,
while having certain oh beholder, valentina, tiamat without any prot. How
about placing 6 month rape prot on tiamat,valentina, and atleast 1 month for
beholder, since it seems that these rape prots were intended to stop certain
?awasa etc from rapin monsters. Now they have just turned their attention into
monsters that lack prots. Well atm ?awasa doesnt rape liek certain ?reld does.
Doing valentinas what 2-3 times in 2week period, and now beholder daily?
Really plz could we have less rape prots on other monsters and mabbe some
clever rape prots on highbie monsters when certain individuals are calculating
their every move like where do I gain most ... um MITHRILS?! oh uh beholder
has nice loads why not do him daily.

1y, 311d, 23h, 59m, 35s old