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BatMUD Forums > Guilds > new ideas

13 Feb 2007 00:28
Well, maybe not NEW, but definitely something to at least dream about.
As I have been damn near every guild combo in the game (excluding magical
background), I have some things i'd like to see come around in the near
Beastmasters...can't independantly upgrade their saddles. This is ridiculous.
The patches of leather they get from butchering should be enough to modify
mount gear. Or, remove the need to use refined leather and give them
amalgamate/leather craft to 50 or something similiar.
Barsoomians need a skillmax of at least 80, or more con, or str, or a better
exprate, anything. The fact that you NEED boons to make a decent barso sucks
doney balls.
More HP for templar and monk.
Beastmasters could use a rep system. Base it on skulls/animals brought in to
joribund. Have rep reduce chance of fumbling tame animal. Or have rep
eventually give your mount a free attack every now and then.
Lords of what they've been needing. Thank you Juggelo.
Someone...anyone...dust off Civilized Fighters and bring them up to par.
Better stats, rep system, anything.
Less randomosity for bladed fury. Unless what i've experimented with and what
others have tested somehow got the wrong results.
There'll be more to this later, have to jet to work now. Please, input on this
would be awesome.

141d, 13h, 55m, 45s old