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BatMUD Forums > Guilds > Updated Ideas

14 Feb 2007 00:46
Lotta ratings, not a lot of feedback, except concerning barso's. Which don't
need boons to function, just ss levels and eq and overtraining past racial
max. If the intent was to make them more...difficult to play due to 4 arms,
then I just have to deal with my personal disappointment that i can't make a
decent barso.
Was also told that Bladed Fury was tweaked..which is cool. Haven't been ranger
in a while so I apparently missed that update.
Also, there's a weapon skill that...hasn't got anything going for it. Whips.
True, only one guild gets to train it, and it makes sense that they do limited
damage...but there should be an entangle skill that comes with it. Yes,
there's rebuke, which does damage and has a chance of breaking a skill. Bash
does that also. Just asking for a bit of flavor.
Again, more input please. Also, if you have anything done that I haven't
suggested, mention it. I'm curious to see what others think of the way guilds
currently are.

142d, 6h, 15m, 3s old