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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.merchant > skinning revisited

15 Dec 2015 12:28
After some thought last night, after my previous skinning post,
I decided to try the experiment again today but to change
just 1 variable, and it has made quite a difference. Skill and stats
are all the same from yesterday, but instead of wielding a "short sword"
in my right hand, I'm wielding a "knife". Here are the results while
wielding a "knife".
42 mobs killed
22 feathers
9 flesh
2 fur
3 leather
4 wool
2 fumbles and destroy the corpse

So, quite a positive change from last night. It seems having
the proper tools to do the job helps quite a bit. Who woulda
thunk it? Altho there is no mention of needing a knife in the
'help skill skinning'. I know you're all prolly thinking "Well of
COURSE you're supposed to use a knife, what else would you use?"
but that is common sense, and we all know that common sense doesn't
always apply here on Batmud ;)
So anyway, I thought I would give an update on my skinning experiences,
and hopefully I'll remember to keep a knife wielded for that from
now on.


N e w b i e  H e l p e r
3y, 254d, 20h, 49m, 13s old