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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.sailor > Cannon Status

02 Jun 2013 06:58
I was fighting some dirty sea dogs the other day in the open waters, and after
peppering the scurvy bastards' hull with several volleys of cannonfire, I
shouted to the cannoneers to report to me the status of their cannons'
condition. After being initally surprised at the lack of response, I sent a
deck-hand to find out at the very least if the cannons were too hot to
continue firing safely, or if we should hold back a moment and use the time to
re-position for a better volley. The deck hand returned, unable to tell me if
the metal on the cannons was too hot to touch... appearntly he had no idea how
to figure that out...

TL;DR Bascially, even the most rookie cannoneer should be AT LEAST able to
tell me if the cannons are cold, warm, or hot. It would be nice to see a
command, perhaps 'cannon status' that can give at least that information.
Perhaps as cannoneers take on a lifetime role, more detailed information could
be garnered. A good crewman would report to his captain the status of his
job, and should also continue firing if that is what the captian decides,
regardless of condition.

1y, 168d, 10h, 36m, 45s old