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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.sailor > mnavy mission ideas

21 Jan 2015 03:52
Since its been nearly a year with no activity in this newsgroup, I thought
I would post this, and hopefully get others thinking and volunteering
ideas to help mnavy folks earn rep a little easier. Each of these
ideas is just a basic sketch of some thoughts as to how to have mnavy
missions to earn mnavy rep faster than just manifest/sailing. They could
easily be fleshed out with different scenarios, with similar themes.
Anyway, here goes.

Idea 1: Deliver relief supplies. A desperate traveller has arrived
in Arelium (or Skeep or Calything, etc) looking for help from the
authorities (or anybody else who will help) because there has been a bad
storm/flood/rash of clogged toilets and is looking for someone to return
with this crate of food/water/clothing/plungers to their village to
help to alleviate their horrible condition. A nice option to this would
be able to add more food/clothing/water/plungers to your ship's holds
to deliver there, for a bit of a boost over minimum rep reward.

Idea 2: Very similar to Idea 1 really, just a variation on that theme,
but have the village be overrun by pirates/goblins/dragons/mothers-in-law
and they need a crate of weapons and armour delivered. Again with
the possibility of adding more weapons and armour to the delivery for
extra rep.

Idea 3: A prosperous local merchant is looking to expand his business
and wants to find trading partners in other parts of the world. He
has hired you to deliver him, and some trade goods, to various locations
around the world, so he can get his trading network set up.

So, those are a couple of ideas from me as to be able to earn more
mnavy rep. Hopefully this will prompt others to post their ideas
here as well, and some sort of system can be implemented on a timescale
sooner than "two weeks".


N e w b i e  H e l p e r
3y, 241d, 16h, 7m, 36s old