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BatMUD Forums > Regen fodder >

22 Sep 2007 22:03
Excellent event, which I logged entirely for our party.
Here's my favourite part from that log :)

Gang of bank robbers is down to 49 members.
<---------^---------> Loc: Icy Cobblestone Road in central Laenor
| | Exits: north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest,
| .|. | southeast, southwest
| yyy.|.%rr |
| yyyyy.|rr...z | A cobblestone road runs here. It is quite broad and
| yyyyyr%r..... | definitely makes the journey easier. However, slippery
< yyyyrr*...... > ice covers it in many places, and one needs to be
| yyrry.%...... | careful nonetheless.
| rrryyy+...... |
| yy?y.\... |
| y.. |
| |
Nosunrise's floating disc
Unacorda Heimdall the Duck Worships Harri < B U B B A >
Stargazer Salvation the Triton is minion of Lampsa < B U B B A >
Sephiroth Seraphim the dark Shadow < B U B B A >
Ahvensurma Hauenturma the Troll < B U B B A >
Goodgulf the Thrikhren < B U B B A >
Hellvasara Kyytipoika the dark Drow NoloPappi < B U B B A >
Mihkali AliKami the dented member of Tinmen cutter < B U B B A >
Geroth Granhelm the black Centaur perkele < B U B B A >
A big gang of bank robbers
Unacorda claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius' (minor party heal)
Sephiroth grabs Gang of bank robbers's hand and turns it making the wrist lock causing serious
Killing cloud: ######
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Gang of bank robbers misses Mihkali.
Gang of bank robbers tears Mihkali producing large scratches.
Gang of bank robbers tears Mihkali producing large scratches.
Gang of bank robbers misses Mihkali.
Gang of bank robbers cuts Mihkali causing a small scratch.
Gang of bank robbers misses Mihkali.
Gang of bank robbers misses Mihkali.
Sephiroth punches Gang of bank robbers making small marks.
Gang of bank robbers successfully dodges Sephiroth's attack.
Gang of bank robbers successfully parries Ahvensurma's slash.
*Goodgulf 2.
Stargazer {party}: nää onisompia :D
Sephiroth starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Unacorda starts concentrating on a new spell.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields a silver light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a wood light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields a birch light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields a molybdenum light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields a highsteel light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields a chromium light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields a cobalt light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields a bronze light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields a wood light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields a copper light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields a copper light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields a stone light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields a bronze light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an oak light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields a molybdenum light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields a nickel light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields a molybdenum light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields a porcelain light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields a tungsten light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields a darksteel light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields a darksteel light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a highsteel light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an elm light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields a molybdenum light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields a porcelain light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields a cobalt light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields a bronze light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields a darksteel light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields a brass light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields a cobalt light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an oak light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a brass light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields a highsteel light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields a brass light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields a tungsten light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields a bronze light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields a cobalt light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a chromium light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields a darksteel light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an aluminium light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields a copper light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an aluminium light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields a molybdenum light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an aluminium light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields a nickel light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields a copper light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields a porcelain light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sleazy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Punchy wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields an aluminium light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Netrunner wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Chipper wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Greedy wields a bronze light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Righty wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Lefty wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Homestar wields a steel light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Strong Bad wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Gangly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Smelly wields an iron light crossbow in his right claw.
Sephiroth claps his hands and whispers 'rhuuuumm angotz klekltz'
Sephiroth fails miserably in his spell.
Mihkali sings: 'Thar! Rauko! Mor! Ris-Rim! Fuin-Heru! GOR! Gurthgwath!n'
y, Netrunner, Homestar, Chipper, Strong Bad, Netrunner, Gangly, Chipper, Lefty, Lefty,
Homestar, Gangly, Greedy, Gangly, Righty, Strong Bad, Lefty, Strong Bad, Homestar, Strong Bad,
Strong Bad, Gangly, Smelly, Lefty, Gangly, Lefty, Greedy, Netrunner, Sleazy, Lefty, Greedy, Smelly,
Strong Bad, Punchy, Sleazy, Tornipeikko and Gang of bank robbers with his noituloves deathlore.
LAG: 4 seconds (Sat Sep 22 16:34:58 2007).
Nosunrise {party}: juu
Geroth starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Strong Bad is disturbed by spellcasting.
Righty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Gangly is disturbed by spellcasting.
Punchy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Chipper is disturbed by spellcasting.
Punchy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Gangly is disturbed by spellcasting.
Punchy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Netrunner is disturbed by spellcasting.
Homestar is disturbed by spellcasting.
Greedy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Greedy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Homestar is disturbed by spellcasting.
Chipper is disturbed by spellcasting.
Punchy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Netrunner is disturbed by spellcasting.
Sleazy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Netrunner is disturbed by spellcasting.
Tornipeikko leaves west.
Killing cloud: ####
You feel godly power hasten your casting.
Sleazy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Sleazy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Strong Bad says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Greedy exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Sleazy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Smelly exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Lefty exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Gangly exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Greedy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Lefty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Gangly says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Greedy exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Chipper exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Righty exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Netrunner exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Greedy exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Sleazy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Strong Bad exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Lefty exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Punchy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Strong Bad says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Netrunner says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Netrunner says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Homestar exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Gangly exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Homestar says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Greedy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Gangly exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Chipper exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Lefty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
LAG: 5 seconds (Sat Sep 22 16:35:03 2007).
Hellvasara starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Gangly is disturbed by spellcasting.
Gangly thrusts Sephiroth causing a small wound.
Gangly misses Sephiroth.
Gangly nips Sephiroth producing large scratches.
Sephiroth punches Gangly making small marks.
Gangly successfully dodges Sephiroth's attack.
Strong Bad is disturbed by spellcasting.
Lefty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Strong Bad is disturbed by spellcasting.
Righty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Lefty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Gangly is disturbed by spellcasting.
Punchy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Lefty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Righty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Chipper is disturbed by spellcasting.
Punchy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Smelly is disturbed by spellcasting.
Punchy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Lefty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Chipper is disturbed by spellcasting.
Greedy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Smelly is disturbed by spellcasting.
Lefty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Homestar is disturbed by spellcasting.
Gangly is disturbed by spellcasting.
Geroth [party]: :D:D:D
Stargazer {report}: Arches Favour down <10m 29s>
Killing cloud: ##
You feel unearthly power hasten your casting.
Righty shouts 'Teini dies from a single blow, well almost at least!'
Unacorda claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo ignius'
Greedy exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Gangly exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Gangly exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Lefty exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Lefty exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Sleazy exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Greedy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Chipper exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Lefty exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Homestar exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Lefty exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Netrunner exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Lefty exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Righty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Punchy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Smelly exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Strong Bad says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Sleazy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Strong Bad says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Punchy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Greedy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Righty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Sleazy exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Gangly exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Punchy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Lefty exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Gangly says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Righty exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Righty exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Smelly exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Lefty exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Punchy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Punchy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Gangly exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Hellvasara [party]: Strong Bad aggroed!
Geroth [report]: Strong Bad got aggressive!
Gangly leaves south.
Homestar leaves southwest.
Strong Bad leaves southwest.
Smelly leaves northwest.
Righty leaves east.
Strong Bad leaves northeast.
Sleazy leaves south.
Chipper leaves east.
Chipper leaves northeast.
Lefty leaves south.
Sleazy leaves northwest.
Gangly leaves southeast.
Netrunner leaves east.
Sleazy leaves southwest.
Greedy leaves east.
Chipper leaves southeast.
Smelly leaves northwest.
Gangly leaves south.
Strong Bad leaves southeast.
Chipper leaves southeast.
Gangly leaves southwest.
Netrunner leaves southwest.
Netrunner leaves northwest.
Strong Bad leaves east.
Netrunner leaves northwest.
Gangly leaves northeast.
<---------^---------> Loc: Icy Cobblestone Road in central Laenor
| | Exits: north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest,
| .|. | southeast, southwest
| yyy.%.hrr |
| yyyyy.|rr...z | A cobblestone road runs here. It is quite broad and
| yyyyyh=h..... | definitely makes the journey easier. However, slippery
< yyy%rr*h..... > ice covers it in many places, and one needs to be
| yyrryh%h..... | careful nonetheless.
| rrryyy+...... |
| yy?y.\... |
| y.. |
| |
Nosunrise's floating disc
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Chipper the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Homestar the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Righty the bank-robbing bandit
Gangly the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Netrunner the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Lefty the bank-robbing bandit
Greedy the bank-robbing bandit
Smelly the bank-robbing bandit
Strong Bad the bank-robbing bandit
Punchy the bank-robbing bandit
Sleazy the bank-robbing bandit
Unacorda Heimdall the Duck Worships Harri < B U B B A >
Stargazer Salvation the Triton is minion of Lampsa < B U B B A >
Sephiroth Seraphim the dark Shadow < B U B B A >
Ahvensurma Hauenturma the Troll < B U B B A >
Goodgulf the Thrikhren < B U B B A >
Hellvasara Kyytipoika the dark Drow NoloPappi < B U B B A >
Mihkali AliKami the dented member of Tinmen cutter < B U B B A >
Geroth Granhelm the black Centaur perkele < B U B B A >
A big gang of bank robbers
** Cost for 'l': Cost: utime:24 stime:0 ticks:236056 **
Mihkali [party]: Strong Bad aggroed!
Hellvasara [party]: Righty aggroed!
Geroth [report]: Righty got aggressive!
Sephiroth (party): Strong Bad aggroed!
Mihkali [party]: Righty aggroed!
Hellvasara [party]: Gangly aggroed!
Ahvensurma is absolutely stunned and amazed and can only say 'Wow...'.
Geroth [report]: Gangly got aggressive!
Sephiroth (party): Righty aggroed!
Mihkali [party]: Gangly aggroed!
Hellvasara [party]: Punchy aggroed!
Geroth [report]: Punchy got aggressive!
Sephiroth (party): Gangly aggroed!
Mihkali [party]: Punchy aggroed!
Hellvasara [party]: Chipper aggroed!
Geroth [report]: Chipper got aggressive!
Sephiroth (party): Punchy aggroed!
Mihkali [party]: Chipper aggroed!
Hellvasara [party]: Punchy aggroed!
Geroth [report]: Punchy got aggressive!
Sephiroth (party): Chipper aggroed!
Mihkali [party]: Punchy aggroed!
Hellvasara [party]: Gangly aggroed!
Lefty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Greedy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Lefty exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Sleazy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Greedy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Lefty exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Homestar exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Lefty exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Righty exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Chipper exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Sleazy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Homestar exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Homestar says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Righty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Netrunner says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Strong Bad exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Punchy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Righty exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Homestar exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Sleazy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Righty exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Righty exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Punchy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Greedy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Netrunner says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Sleazy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Gangly exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Sleazy exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Smelly exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Homestar says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Greedy exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Strong Bad says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Homestar exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Gangly exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Righty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Chipper says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Sleazy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Gangly exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Chipper leaves east.
Homestar leaves southwest.
Gangly leaves northwest.
Greedy leaves southwest.
Gangly leaves north.
Punchy leaves south.
Gangly leaves south.
Punchy leaves northwest.
Greedy leaves east.
Greedy leaves north.
Smelly leaves northwest.
Punchy leaves southeast.
Greedy leaves southwest.
Netrunner leaves west.
Mihkali [party]: Punchy aggroed!
Hellvasara [party]: Netrunner aggroed!
Unacorda (party): selvä
Geroth [report]: Netrunner got aggressive!
Sephiroth (party): Punchy aggroed!
Mihkali [party]: Netrunner aggroed!
Hellvasara [party]: Homestar aggroed!
Geroth [report]: Homestar got aggressive!
Stargazer starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Punchy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Sleazy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Righty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Righty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Gangly is disturbed by spellcasting.
Netrunner is disturbed by spellcasting.
Chipper is disturbed by spellcasting.
Homestar is disturbed by spellcasting.
Netrunner is disturbed by spellcasting.
Strong Bad is disturbed by spellcasting.
Lefty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Chipper is disturbed by spellcasting.
Greedy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Lefty is disturbed by spellcasting.
Punchy is disturbed by spellcasting.
Sephiroth (party): Netrunner aggroed!
Sleazy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Gangly says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Sleazy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Strong Bad exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Righty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Chipper exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Lefty exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Righty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Homestar exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Punchy exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Sleazy says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Homestar exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Greedy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Homestar exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Homestar says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Chipper exclaims 'Aww, hell no!'
Gangly leaves northwest.
Gangly leaves east.
Chipper leaves east.
Netrunner leaves southeast.
Homestar leaves northeast.
Righty leaves north.
Sleazy leaves northwest.
Chipper leaves southwest.
Sleazy leaves southwest.
Sleazy leaves southeast.
Lefty leaves southeast.
Homestar leaves southeast.
Greedy leaves northwest.
Strong Bad leaves southwest.
Punchy leaves southeast.
Chipper leaves south.
Netrunner leaves southeast.
Smelly leaves south.
Greedy leaves southwest.
Gangly leaves southeast.
Lefty leaves southeast.
Greedy leaves east.
Strong Bad leaves north.
Sleazy leaves southwest.
Sleazy leaves northeast.
Gangly leaves east.
Lefty leaves southwest.
Sleazy leaves southwest.
Sleazy leaves northwest.
Smelly leaves east.
Sleazy leaves southeast.
Strong Bad leaves west.
Homestar leaves northwest.
Netrunner leaves south.
Greedy leaves northeast.
Righty leaves east.
Punchy leaves southeast.
Chipper leaves west.
Greedy leaves southeast.
Strong Bad leaves south.
Righty leaves south.
Chipper leaves east.
Sleazy leaves west.
Lefty leaves north.
Punchy leaves southwest.
Gangly leaves north.
Netrunner leaves east.
Sleazy leaves southeast.
Righty leaves northwest.
Netrunner exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Sleazy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Lefty says 'Run, man! Run! Eeyaaaaaaaaa...'
Righty exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Greedy exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'Crap, man, it's the fuzz! Beat it!'
Righty exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Strong Bad exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Righty exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
Netrunner exclaims 'I'm getting outta here!'
W i z a r d
8y, 161d, 20h, 43m, 14s old
50 [Wizard]
23 Sep 2007 10:37
Another one (I blame this one on my wife for distracting me):

The statue's right leg starts to crack and crumble! It's going to collapse!
You sizzle with magical energy.
Hellvasara weaves a mystic matrix with glowing indigo lines and chants 'Khizanth Arachnidus Iracundus'
Dione [party]: en osaa enää lentää :(
Ahvensurma looks at colossus.
Goodgulf [party]: -@@- sillä puuttuu right arms, left arm, left hip, head -@@-
Ahvensurma's flex shield wobbles, PINGs and vanishes.
Nazrix [wanted]: w: area blaster
Stargazer lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
A large hole replaces Stargazer's face.
Stargazer is DEAD, R.I.P.
Stargazer dies.
Stargazer's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
Ahvensurma lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
Ahvensurma dies in a massive fit of convulsions.
Ahvensurma is DEAD, R.I.P.
Ahvensurma dies.
Ahvensurma's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
Dione lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
Dione loses the privilege to live.
Dione is DEAD, R.I.P.
Dione dies.
Dione's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
Goodgulf lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
Goodgulf dies in a massive fit of convulsions.
Goodgulf is DEAD, R.I.P.
Goodgulf dies.
Goodgulf's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
Geroth lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
YUCH, Geroth's entrails spill all over the place.
Geroth is DEAD, R.I.P.
Geroth dies.
Geroth's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
Mihkali lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
Mihkali dies in a massive pool of blood.
Mihkali is DEAD, R.I.P.
Mihkali dies.
Mihkali's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
Hellvasara lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
You hear the horrendous death-cry of the Hellvasara as it dies.
Hellvasara is DEAD, R.I.P.
Hellvasara dies.
Hellvasara's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
As the colossus collapses into hundreds of chunks of stone, you find yourself buried under tons of rubble and
That really HURT!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You are no longer stunned.
You fall unconscious from the pain.

You die.
Mihkali is the new leader of the party.
You have a strange feeling.
You can see Death, clad in black, collect your corpse.

THALASIA, the fourth world of ELYSIUM ().
Ghost of Mihkali
Ghost of Goodgulf
Ghost of Dione
Ghost of Stargazer
Ghost of Toag
Ghost of Hellvasara [party]: Stargazer is UNCONSCIOUS!
Ghost of Geroth [report]: Stargazer goes unconscious!
Ghost of Mihkali [party]: Stargazer is UNCONSCIOUS!
Ghost of Dione [report]: HURT!
Ghost of Nosunrise {report}: {No longer stunned.}
Ghost of Hellvasara [party]: Ahvensurma is UNCONSCIOUS!
Ghost of Geroth [report]: Ahvensurma goes unconscious!
Ghost of Stargazer {report}: HURT !!!
Ghost of Mihkali [party]: Ahvensurma is UNCONSCIOUS!
Ghost of Dione [report]: I'm NO longer STUNNED!
Ghost of Nosunrise {report}: {Flex Shield Expired.}
Ghost of Hellvasara [party]: Dione is UNCONSCIOUS!
Ghost of Geroth [report]: Dione goes unconscious!
Ghost of Geroth [report]: Goodgulf goes unconscious!
Ghost of Stargazer {party}: i'm dead...
Ghost of Mihkali [party]: Goodgulf is UNCONSCIOUS!
Ghost of Hellvasara [party]: Geroth is UNCONSCIOUS!
Ghost of Goodgulf [party]: No longer stunned!
Ghost of Geroth [report]: No longer stunned!
Ghost of Mihkali [party]: Geroth is UNCONSCIOUS!
Ghost of Hellvasara [party]: Mihkali is UNCONSCIOUS!
Ghost of Geroth [report]: < Flex Shield DOWN > [7:24]
Ghost of Mihkali [party]: HURT!
Ghost of Hellvasara [party]: HURT!
Ghost of Mihkali [report]: Broke Stun
Ghost of Hellvasara [report]: Broke Stun
Ghost of Hellvasara [party]: l
Ghost of Geroth [party]: :DD:D
Sephiroth (party): astu päälle?
Ghost of Stargazer {party}: haha
You play your toes in the water of the sea Thalasia.
Ghost of Geroth [party]: heh. jotenki arvasin ton
Ghost of Ahvensurma [party]: whee
Ghost of Stargazer {party}: romahti päälle
Ghost of Nosunrise {party}: aha
This is the Grand Beach, end of the River Oceanus, rising out from the sea
that is Thalasia, which fills this world. Small islands dot the waves, but the
majority of the realms of interest lie far beneath the surface. The islands
and this beach is a home for the souls who in their previous lives practiced
exemplary goodness. So lie down and enjoy, there is plenty of sun, warm water
and a palm under which you can hide if it gets too warm.

Welcome to HEAVEN. You can now enjoy the land of fertile richness and
unsurpassed natural beauty, as you are waiting to be revived from your
non-corporeal state to normal character. You may ask for a resurrect. You can
use 'ghost' channel. If you do not get resurrected you may 'pray'. Type accept
for help about accepting reincs/resses. You can also see help pages by 'help'
There are no obvious exits.
Ghost of Mihkali
Ghost of Goodgulf
Ghost of Dione
Ghost of Stargazer
Sephiroth (party): tsih
Ghost of Mihkali [party]: heh
W i z a r d
8y, 161d, 20h, 43m, 14s old
50 [Wizard]
23 Sep 2007 10:50
And one more. We finally manage to get the killing blow to one of the leaders, but some other party loots corpse and yet another party gets the holz mark... grmmrmr. :)

Dardechion the evil mage
Stargazer {report}: Dardechion screams asphyxiation (0%)
Belse starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Shadowwar starts concentrating on a new spell.
| 1.2 Geroth fol 672( 843) 473( 596) 375(341) | 100 | 32415 |
| 1.3 Ahvensurma fol 1275(1275) 28( 28) 374(402) | 61 | 25815 |
| 2.1 Stargazer ldr 591( 591) 1026(1261) 274(274) | 59 | 21107 |
| 2.2 Sephiroth fol 809( 809) 667( 901) 425(412) | 73 | 29054 |
| 2.3 Nosunrise fol 661( 661) 982(1451) 311(311) | 100 | 56568 |
| 3.2 Goodgulf fol 529( 529) 921(1063) 204(204) | 52 | 23451 |
| 3.3 Dione fol 474( 474) 802(1147) 245(230) | 90 | 13749 |
| ?.? Hellvasara mbr 880( 880) 1181(1305) 347(347) | 90 | 30425 |
| ?.? Mihkali dead 1(1119) 580( 527) 411(407) | 100 | 31345 |
Cealdyn starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Mikaiyla starts concentrating on a new spell.
Beanos starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Ahvensurma starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Ryad starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Stargazer is now in the 1st row.
Geroth misses Dardechion.
Geroth tries to dodge, but Dardechion is not fooled that easily!
Dardechion plunges Geroth crushing the skull, forcing brain tissue to fly out.
Dardechion drills Geroth causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Geroth's flex shield wobbles.
Geroth successfully parries Dardechion's bite.
...AND counterattacks with ferocity.
Geroth tries to dodge, but Dardechion is not fooled that easily!
Dardechion stomps Geroth causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Geroth tries to dodge, but Dardechion is not fooled that easily!
Dardechion stomps Geroth causing heart tissue to fly everywhere.
Stargazer misses Dardechion.
Stargazer misses Dardechion.

Dardechion exclaims 'Join my armies!'
Dardechion fires a green beam of energy out of his staff at Stargazer.
Stargazer was turned to stone by the ray! Ack!
Stargazer is turned into a living statue!
It attacks!
Stargazer has moved to a new environment.
Dardechion cackles gleefully.
There is a fierce combat going on here, beware!
Koan sings: 'What child is this, who laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping, angels greet with anthems sweet
Geroth intones in a strong voice 'hraugh' (word of blasting)
A glowing yellow mystical symbol appears in the air before Dardechion.
Geroth grins as his word of blasting hits Dardechion.
Dardechion says 'Ugh...uhh...ah, hell'
Stargazer statue turns to dust, and blows away.
Stargazer has moved to a new environment.
Dardechion snarls 'Grr, Stargazer, let me put you out of your misery this time!'
Hellvasara statue turns to dust, and blows away.
The City Watch Commander shouts:
Dardechion is down! The invasion is over! Loyal citizens of Arelium,
you have our thanks for defending our city. Soon, we'll find a way to
repay you for your invaluable assistance.
Dardechion moves on to happier hunting grounds.
Dardechion is DEAD, R.I.P.
The magic mist around the dead Dardechion's neck leaps to Maximus's Kerbholz.
Your Kerbholz vibrates, but another one scores the kill of Dardechion.
Acid blast: ##
Doomface's disc floats in.
Van starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Toag takes a pile of mithril coins, gold amulet with giant ruby and
Dracostarmikan, the staff of fire from a deep fried gore of Dardechion.
Van takes a deep fried gore of Dardechion.
| 770: a tiny fungus |
| 489: a tiny fungus |
| 370: a tiny fungus |
| 442: a tiny fungus |
| 502: a tiny fungus |
| 329: a tiny fungus |
| 11490: an average fungus-elite |
| 6242: a buzzing, angry mosquito searches for blood |
| 6440: a fat, bulbous queen mosquito |
| 6245: a buzzing, angry mosquito searches for blood |
| 4461: a buzzing, angry mosquito searches for blood |
| 1291: a buzzing, happy mosquito flies around |
| 3095: young Zhentorian solider |
| 11752: well-trained Zhentorian solider |
| 6034: well-trained Zhentorian solider |
| 24148: burly Zhentorian solider |
| 46856: Peelo the Clone |
| 451: a metal-hungry rust monster |
| 427: a metal-hungry rust monster |
| 511240: Dardechion the evil mage |

W i z a r d
8y, 161d, 20h, 43m, 14s old
50 [Wizard]
23 Sep 2007 12:32
This is my log of fighting one of the horde of orcs that, apparently, caused a bit of lag.

I've edited the log a bit to get rid of some of the useless stuff and removed a few rounds of only partially laggy fighting in which the horde wasn't that big.

It was at the point where messsages like: "Horde of orcs removes a brass dagger from its Orc soldier 10's right claw." started to appear that things went a bit tits up and we noticed a loss of heartbeat.

Note the round markers, they give you an idea of what is going on and how much lag there was.

Actually, the message "One Orc soldier splits off from the group.", probably indicating that the horde had turned into individuals, was the crucial point.

There were a lot of other parties about, and several orc hordes and some lag before we even started.

<---------^---------> Loc: Snowclad Forest in central Laenor
| | Exits: north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest,
| | southeast, southwest
| ... |
| fff...%.f | The forest is fairly scarce here. Pines dominate the
| .ff.f%..f | driest spots, whereas firs grow on the lower ground. In
< f.%f*.%f. > between, broad-leaved trees, such as maples and rowans
| .ff.%%..f | can be seen. Undergrowth is quite thick at many places.
| .f..fffff | Everything is covered in a thick blanket of snow. All
| fff | is white and cold, there is no hint of movement or
| | warmth about.
| |
A huge horde of orcs
Moll arrives from northeast.
Rigger arrives from northeast.
kill orc

Moll cuts Horde of orcs inducing a minor headache.
Moll cuts Horde of orcs making small marks.
You kick Horde of orcs making small marks.
Horde of orcs tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily!
You stomp-kick Horde of orcs making small marks.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.
Horde of orcs bumps Moll making small marks.
Horde of orcs slashes Moll making small marks.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.
Moll successfully dodges Horde of orcs's slash.
Horde of orcs gashes Moll making small marks.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.
Moll successfully dodges Horde of orcs's pierce.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.hp: 1000 (997) [] sp: 529 (628) [-57] ep: 317 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Tarken [bat]: harbor!
claw orc
Horde of orcs is at full strength.
target orc
Humble [bat]: i'tll be all over in one great lag
You are not doing anything at the moment.
| 1.1 Moll fol 917( 938) 37( 37) 268(329) | 46 | 0 |
| 1.2 Tim ldr 1000( 997) 529( 628) 317(442) | 71 | 0 |
| 2.2 Rigger fol 481( 481) 362( 862) 63(240) | 60 | 0 |
Beanos [bat]: a lag monster is attacking arelium!
You start chanting.
Lozlo [bat]: wizzes consider that the lag doesnt help =D
Moll starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You are now targetting Horde of orcs.
Zenor {bat}: a bit of challenge you know....
Lozlo [wanted]: sum to sc
Rigger starts concentrating on a new spell.
You feel heavier.
Humble [bat]: hah
Alakhai (bat): ok, if it's gonna be like this, have a nice event. i'm out
Moll starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Dralith <bat>: shinarae will one day learn to code >.>
Qurp {bat}: well, what did you expect bitches? it isn't called "army" because
it has 10 mobs
(bat): Ronald waves happily.
Murgan [bat]: LAG: 4239seconds, inform: orcs raided arelium and raped all players
Zenor {bat}: are you sure about that?
Ooga [bat]: i expect it is mainly during mob load :)
Stargazer {bat}: i doubt that dralih
Rigger looks at Orcs.
Ooga [bat]: you'd think arching requires knowing how to code!
hp: 997 (997) [-3] sp: 529 (628) [] ep: 317 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Tiger claw: ##
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.
Horde of orcs slashes Moll making small marks.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.
Moll tries to dodge, but Horde of orcs is not fooled that easily!
Horde of orcs slightly pierces Moll making small marks.
Horde of orcs misses Moll.
You stomp-kick Horde of orcs making small marks.
You punch Horde of orcs making small marks.
Orc soldier dies.
Moll cuts Horde of orcs making small marks.
Moll lightly cuts Horde of orcs making small marks.
Rigger claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic'
You are done with the chant.
You shred air with your tiger claws and scream 'Haii!'
As Horde of orcs drops to its knees you leap in for the kill!
As one member is stunned, another moves to the front.
hp: 997 (997) [] sp: 421 (628) [-108] ep: 317 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Horde of orcs is down to 50 members.
claw orc
You are not doing anything at the moment.
Spider Queen smiles upon you and helps you control the demon.
Rigger [party]: 10 of em
| 1.1 Moll fol 915( 938) 37( 37) 268(329) | 46 | 0 |
| 1.2 Tim ldr 997( 997) 407( 628) 317(442) | 71 | 0 |
| 2.2 Rigger fol 481( 481) 254( 862) 63(240) | 60 | 0 |
[bat]: Beanos looks around with a serious face and says 'Nah'.
You start chanting.
Dralith <bat>: this isn't mob load..
Rigger starts concentrating on a new spell.
Balroc (wanted): this is foooking ridiculous :D
Tarken [bat]: shinarae went ld/invis so we can't blame him
Rigger [party]: er 50
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
You successfully dodge Horde of orcs's slash.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs gashes you making small marks.
Horde of orcs misses you.
You successfully dodge Horde of orcs's slash.
You successfully dodge Horde of orcs's pierce.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
You stomp-kick Horde of orcs making small marks.
You punch Horde of orcs making small marks.
Moll cuts Horde of orcs inducing a minor headache.
Moll cuts Horde of orcs making small marks.
hp: 990 (995) [-7] sp: 407 (628) [-14] ep: 317 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Sephiroth (bat): what is this then :D?
Azgaroth [wanted]: amen brother
Horde of orcs is down to 50 members.
Shinarae <bat>: it's true :(
Rigger [report]: Water walking DOWN! [10:23]
Xunisiih (bat): so he lagged out!
You are casting 'tiger claw' at 'orc'.
Gotrek [bat]: haha.
Kohothegreat [bat]: dralith save us from this lag!
| 1.1 Moll fol 915( 938) 37( 37) 268(329) | 46 | 0 |
| 1.2 Tim ldr 990( 995) 407( 628) 317(442) | 71 | 0 |
| 2.2 Rigger fol 481( 481) 254( 862) 63(240) | 60 | 0 |
Rutman arrives from east.
Rutman leaves west.
Lozlo [bat]: holy crap!
Humble [bat]: crash, crash, crash..
Xunisiih (bat): i sense were fucked!
You skillfully cast the spell with haste.
Horde of orcs squeals in utter horrifying agony as Moll's fury causes blood and
internal organs to fly!
Orc soldier dies.


You successfully dodge Horde of orcs's slash.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
You successfully dodge Horde of orcs's slash.
You successfully dodge Horde of orcs's slash.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs slightly pierces you making small marks.
You miss Horde of orcs.
You punch Horde of orcs making small marks.
Moll cuts Horde of orcs inducing a minor headache.
Moll lightly cuts Horde of orcs inducing a minor headache.
Orc soldier dies.
hp: 851 (958) [-5] sp: 83 (628) [] ep: 302 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Horde of orcs is down to 43 members.
You are using 'kick' at 'orc'.
| 1.1 Moll fol 879( 938) 37( 37) 212(329) | 46 | 0 |
| 1.2 Tim ldr 851( 958) 83( 628) 302(442) | 71 | 0 |
| 2.2 Rigger fol 481( 481) 68( 862) 63(240) | 60 | 0 |
Shadodragn [wanted]: bard
Horde of orcs gashes you making small marks.
Horde of orcs lightly bashes you with shield making small marks.
Horde of orcs misses you.
You successfully dodge Horde of orcs's lash.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs gashes you making small marks.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Horde of orcs gashes you making small marks.
You successfully dodge Horde of orcs's pierce.
Horde of orcs misses you.
Moll misses Horde of orcs.
Moll misses Horde of orcs.
hp: 818 (952) [-33] sp: 83 (628) [] ep: 302 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Spider Queen smiles upon you and helps you control the demon.
Horde of orcs is down to 43 members.
You are using 'kick' at 'orc'.
| 1.1 Moll fol 879( 938) 37( 37) 212(329) | 46 | 0 |
| 1.2 Tim ldr 818( 952) 70( 628) 302(442) | 71 | 0 |
| 2.2 Rigger fol 481( 481) 68( 862) 63(240) | 60 | 0 |
Moll starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Shadowwar [bat]: did someone pull the plug? :
One Orc soldier splits off from the group.
Durand <bat>: try the wanted channel
Orc sergeant shouts 'Next time, Goa, bring me your friends too!'
hp: 818 (952) [] sp: 70 (628) [-13] ep: 302 (442) cash: [] exp: []
You are prepared to do the skill.
You kick Orc soldier in the groin very hard making the foe double up in pain
hp: 818 (952) [] sp: 70 (628) [] ep: 287 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Orc soldier misses you.
You successfully dodge Orc soldier's claw.
Moll cuts Horde of orcs inducing a minor headache.
Horde of orcs removes a brass dagger from its Orc soldier 10's right claw.
Horde of orcs removes a tin ranseur from its Orc soldier 9's right claw.
Horde of orcs removes an iron short sword from its Orc soldier 8's right claw.
Horde of orcs removes iron cutlass from its Orc soldier 7's right claw.
Horde of orcs removes an iron pilum from its Orc soldier 6's right claw.
dier 5's right claw.
Horde of orcs removes an iron whip from its Orc soldier 4's right claw.
Horde of orcs removes an iron cudgel from its Orc soldier 3's right claw.
Horde of orcs removes an iron target shield from its Orc soldier 2's right claw.
Horde of orcs removes an iron longsword from its Orc soldier 1's right claw.
You are not doing anything at the moment.
| 1.1 Moll fol 879( 938) 37( 37) 212(329) | 46 | 0 |
| 1.2 Tim ldr 818( 952) 70( 628) 287(442) | 71 | 0 |
| 2.2 Rigger fol 481( 481) 68( 862) 63(240) | 60 | 0 |
Rigger [wanted]: sharon come help arelium
Nazrix [bat]: My army will soon attack durand
You start concentrating on the skill.
Rastline [bat]: dont think so
Mariska [bat]: Don't be mean to Durand. :(
Cola (bat): theres 300 orcs in the same room, watch out for that room or it will lag the whole game :p
Balroc (wanted): dont go to the room with 300 orcs please :)
Tarken [bat]: no wonder its gonna take 3h...
Cordoba (bat): durand, bring it on!
Tixe (wanted): go go go
Tixe (wanted): go cast fabs at them
Cordoba (bat): yea, i have frenzy
Handless (wanted): where? :)
Slobber {bat}: where is it?
Acidia [wanted]: oh noes, the spartan orc 300 are attacking us?
Gotrek [bat]: where is the orc room, give lag
Bort [wanted]: NOO
Rigger [bat]: 331 orcs to be exact <<< My party member knows that there's a horde of 331 orcs causing the lag
Conquer (bat): why do my wanderer spells stop at 80%
Spider Queen smiles upon you and helps you control the demon.
Larppa [wanted]: this is madness?! \:D/
Moll starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Elero [bat]: what lag?
Murdoch [wanted]: more lag
Teini [wanted]: :D
Tim [party]: how did you know there were 331 orcs? <<< At this point I still think we are fighting 43 orcs.
Rastline [bat]: its another load whats next:!
Acidia [wanted]: me ollaan hdwitty tdd pewi (we're doomed. doomed i say!)
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
[wanted]: Kirya yells! This! is! ARELIUM! and kicks him self in the head and lags out.
Humble [sales]: anti-lag potions 5k a vialThe soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Tixe (bat): someone kill those orcs!
Rigger [party]: count orc
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Anadir [bat]: :P
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Desos [bat]: Spells aren't coming outNerzhul [wanted]: hehe
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Shadowwar [sales]: 5k
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
You feel your will returning normal.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Rigger [party]: 285
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Toag {bat}: theres no combat in that room too much monsters
Grediah (bat): where are those critters? :D
Humble [sales]: pb 30k
Murgan [bat]: crash, boom, bang!
count orc <<< I count orcs
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Lurppa [sales]: 6k
Brog [bat]: please=) leave that room with 300+ orcs ... lags the whole game
Shinarae <bat>: if you back away from the horde of orcs, they will dissipate in a few mins
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
There are two hundred sixty orcs in the room. <<< When I realized we were in a room with a lot of orcs

The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
p' moving
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Ahvensurma [sales]: needs real cash so batmud can buy better servers
Shinarae <bat>: as in, vanish entirely, not just spread out
hp: 629 (763) [-189] sp: 58 (628) [-12] ep: 287 (442) cash: [] exp: []
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Tim [party]: moving
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
The soldier drops everything and makes a run for it.
Your movement prevents you from doing the skill.

<---------^---------> Loc: Snowclad Forest in central Laenor
| | Exits: north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest,
| | southeast, southwest
| ... |
| ........f | The forest is fairly scarce here. Pines dominate the
| fff.....f | driest spots, whereas firs grow on the lower ground. In
< .ff.*.O%f > between, broad-leaved trees, such as maples and rowans
| f..f%.of. | can be seen. Undergrowth is quite thick at many places.
| .ff.f%..f | Everything is covered in a thick blanket of snow. All
| .ff | is white and cold, there is no hint of movement or
| | warmth about.
| |
Moll arrives from south.
Rigger arrives from south.
hp: 629 (763) [] sp: 58 (628) [] ep: 284 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Bort [wanted]: mud crash = arelium saved?
Rigger [party]: naw
Kotiwalo [wanted]: Someone needs a tank?
Spider Queen smiles upon you and helps you control the demon.
hp: 629 (763) [] sp: 56 (628) [-2] ep: 284 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Tim [party]: shit, I didn't know it was our room
Rigger [party]: aww
Rigger rolls on the floor laughing.
Lozlo [bat]: i dont have as much lag!

<---------^---------> Loc: Snowclad Forest in central Laenor
| | Exits: north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest,
| | southeast, southwest
| ... |
| ........f | The forest is fairly scarce here. Pines dominate the
| fff.....f | driest spots, whereas firs grow on the lower ground. In
< .ff.*..%f > between, broad-leaved trees, such as maples and rowans
| | can be seen. Undergrowth is quite thick at many places.
| .ff.f%..f | Everything is covered in a thick blanket of snow. All
| .ff | is white and cold, there is no hint of movement or
| | warmth about.
| |
Rigger the grey Elf flE yerg eht reggiR < Still Crap >
Moll the Dwarf < Still Crap >
Rigger peers south.
Rigger [party]: lots still there
Gurth [wanted]: anyone need tarm?
Gorge [bat]: i cant even move it lags soo bad
Tim [chat]: was that us in there?
Lozlo [bat]: my lag stopped
Ktonis [wanted]: event-party for lagged off
Humble [bat]: they changed server so they could create bigger lags without crashing the game
Thorfinn [sales]: i heard our server is realy an old graphing calculator
Tim [party]: was that just us causing the problem?
Rigger [party]: lets go back
Rigger peers south.
Moll peers south.
Rigger [party]: only 1s
<---------^---------> Loc: Snowclad Forest in central Laenor
| | Exits: north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest,
| | southeast, southwest
| ... |
| fff..%..f | The forest is fairly scarce here. Pines dominate the
| .ff.%...f | driest spots, whereas firs grow on the lower ground. In
< f..f*..f. > between, broad-leaved trees, such as maples and rowans
| .ff.f%..f | can be seen. Undergrowth is quite thick at many places.
| .f..fffff | Everything is covered in a thick blanket of snow. All
| %ff | is white and cold, there is no hint of movement or
| | warmth about.
| |
A cup (empty)
A small leather pouch (three-quarters full)
A dull silvery hematite
Two small wooden chests (closed)
Three small leather pouches (almost empty)
A canteen (half full)
A vegetable marsalla
A sparkling blue-green aquamarine
A large red carnelian
A match
A cracked green malachite
a muscular and angry orc sergeant
Orc sergeant grins 'This time I'll get you, Tim!'
Moll arrives from north.
Rigger arrives from north.
Lurppa [sales]: an old steam-engine i think
hp: 642 (763) [] sp: 24 (628) [] ep: 287 (442) cash: [] exp: []
claw orc
You do not have enough spell points to cast the spell.
hp: 656 (763) [+14] sp: 47 (628) [+23] ep: 291 (442) cash: [] exp: []
ip orc
You start concentrating on the skill.
Moll starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You break your skill attempt.
Dralith <sales>: it's an abacus actually..
mak orc
You start concentrating on the skill.
Tim [report]: dim mak => orc
Valkrist arrives from east.


mak orc
You decide to change the skill to a new one.
You start concentrating on the skill.
Tim [report]: dim mak => orc
You 'hmmmm' for a moment.
hp: 656 (763) [] sp: 45 (628) [-2] ep: 291 (442) cash: [] exp: []
Valkrist delivers a crushing blow to Orc sergeant's windpipe!
Valkrist turns suddenly and STRIKES again..
Rigger claps his hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic'
Rigger casts his spell at Valkrist.
Orc sergeant kicks Valkrist in the groin very hard making the foe gasp and double up with pain.
Valkrist starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You are prepared to do the skill.
Your training has really paid off!
You touch Orc sergeant in all the right places applying chi just perfectly.Orc
sergeant just falls down.
Orc sergeant staggers for a moment, then drops to the ground, lifeless.
Orc sergeant is DEAD, R.I.P.

<< From this point it was clear that our ability to engage in battle was broken >>
233d, 22h, 38m, 8s old