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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.runemages > '07 updates

11 Mar 2007 13:57
Hi guys.

Some small tunes/updates have been taking place during the
recent months and a few should also be taking place in
the near future, so I thought I'd send a small post.

- If you have all runes at a usable level, you will now
get reasonably more spellcombo hints whilst researching.
- Leader resetting should now be fixed (the way of counting
the leadership score might still need some tuning however)
- The bulletin board was fixed
- 'runespells' shows amount of unfound combos
- Ignas teleport cost changed
- The runemage tome should no longer mess with rooms'
special item books.
- Aether flow and "free hands bonus" uptuned a bit
- Negative reinc effects lessened

Future updates should include getting runecrypts/trainingpoints
on different continents - and eventually possibly some new spells
(probably mainly boat related) might be appearing.

Please continue to send any bugs/ideas via the bugtrack/ideatrack-
systems. Mail is OK with me for ideas as well.


W i z a r d
3y, 108d, 1h, 34m, 32s old
55 [Wizard]