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BatMUD Forums > Inform > Better late than never, right?

24 Dec 2017 23:23
Merry politically correct day! Don't get overly offended by this festive

And happy new year, if your calendar happens to start one in the near future!

Oh, also in the news: double exp for a while, starting from reboot of 25th.

I'll let the while define itself. Nobody likes to be forced into a box, like
"two weeks" or "fortnight". If it (or should I say he, or she?) wants to be a
moment, I'll let it do that, and hope nobody (or no-one, or something, we have
to start thinking about artificial intelligences and bots too) judges it
because of that. I just hope the while decides what it wants to be before the
new year...

++ Heidel

A r c h w i z a r d
6y, 40d, 1h, 49m, 48s old
600 [Wizard]