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BatMUD Forums > Ideas-wanted > plant lore

19 Dec 2019 10:59
I know I'm not the first (nor will I be the last) to complain about plant lore
requirement to identify things like lettuce and tomato and carrot and stuff.
And I know the explanation is 'well the lettuce you need plant lore to
identify is wild lettuce, rather than carefully farmed supermarket bought
But I think it really does start to get a bit crazy when nomads, the people
who don't live in towns and cities and rather live a nomadic lifestyle living
off the land, don't get any plant lore from their background.
Despite the fact that you'd think these would be the people who'd *need* to
learn whether that brown ovoid they just pulled out of the ground in the
middle of the wilderness is actually safe to eat or not.

Guess there's probably some 'balance' reason to it or somesuch. 'Just take
explorers' etc. But I still think it's silly.

4y, 2d, 21h, 7m, 3s old