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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.alchemists > Mint Coins review, p3

09 Apr 2021 08:58

1. Standardize blank gold value per kg to around 240.
Silver and below coins need to make a lot more blanks,
and gold and anipium need adjusting upwards as well.

2. Instead of grue attacks, cap the amount of ore that
can be used for a single skill at 30 kg. The skill
will not use more, and instead will leave the remaining
ore in place.

3. Remove the reference to "bat month" - cycles should
be a single boot. This is intuitive.

4. Mould should continue to be useful in all cycles
(until they eventually break).

5. Blanks should be redeemable in boots after they are
made (chest the piles) - wasted coins are just another
reduction in skill efficiency, which is not necessary.


1. At high skill, the skill does in fact work as intended.
The main issues are the non-intuitive mechanics and
unreasonably low effectiveness, all of which can be resolved.

2. The skill heavily favors merchant-alchemists - I don't
see an alchemist that is not a merchant (or who doesn't
have one as their secondary, or v.v.) ever using this. I
do not, however, believe this is a problem, as anyone that
isn't a merchant-alchemist combo in some manner should have
the resources to produce income in the usual (and, really,
better) ways.

3. As I see it, the best implementation of this skill
involves only buying moulds periodically as they break and
chesting blanks to be redeemed as the limits reset. This
infers a tight time gate on how much money can be made from
it, which is appropriate. Things like grues, needing to
rebuy mould every cycle and wasting coins just make the skill
less effective without adding anything to the gameplay value.
If they were removed, I think the skill would have fair
usage, once the per-cycle limits were balanced against
material usage for all cointypes.

N e w b i e  H e l p e r
1y, 278d, 3h, 11m, 1s old