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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.priests > Transition from the old guild to the new guild

23 Apr 2021 20:20
Hello everyone!

I already made a video where I discuss Triad of Darkness and you can find
it here: but because this
video doesn't necessarily contain all the information you might be looking
for, we have another wall of text for you to read.

You have probably already found out that there's a new guild called
Triad of Darkness coming, which will go into Alpha-testing on the
first of May, 2021. So let's clarify a bit what is going to happen.

Right now the registration for testing is under way, and you can
register as a volunteer by finding an ancient stone tablet at the
swamp north from the city of New Rilynt'tar in Furnachia. Anyone who
wishes to become a tester must register using this stone tablet. However,
there are many people who have registered so not everyone can be chosen.

Some of the selected testers get to join the new guild first of May while
some selected testers get to join little bit later. The reason for this is
that this is beneficial for testing. There may be things that can be done
only once, and if something bugs I can fix it, and then I get to see if
the bug has become fixed when a person who joined later goes through it.
So, if you have not been flagged as a tester on the first of May, there
still exists a possibility that you get in little bit later. Eventually
the alpha testing ends, and we start a period of beta testing during which
everyone gets to join the new guild.

You should keep on playing normally and if you get chosen, you will be
contacted and given specific instructions. Because the new guild has been
built on the foundation of this older guild, the old guild will also
experience some changes when the new guild enters testing. I will try to
update news about both guilds, but there's a new guild group called
'guilds.triad' which you should subsribe to if you wish to hear news about
the new guild.

Eventually when the alpha-testing ends and joining to Triad of Darkness
becomes possible for everyone, this guild will slowly be phased out. This
means that when Triad of Darkness beta-testing begins and it is possible
to join Triad of Darkness, then joining to this old guild will no longer
be possible.


A r c h w i z a r d
8y, 149d, 18h, 27m, 8s old
600 [Wizard]