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BatMUD Forums > Ideas-wanted > More interesting townfolk to cities

15 Sep 2022 14:06
Please add more random (strange) townfolk and quests/interactions/items.

Some ideas:

- adventurer visiting the town (knows things)
- wild dogs, cats
- dog/cat/animal trainer
- rarely: aliens (owns strange artificats)
- rarely: strange races visiting the town from faraway places (draconians,
civilized demons)
- powerful mage visiting the city
- masochists/sadists
- transvestites (hits the target with poisonous perfume), transgender,
non-binary people
- makeup artists (increase charisma a bit from makeup kit)
- prisoners escaping the prison
- madmen escaping asylum
- engineers (primitive technical equipment)
- black skinned people, people of color, chinese people
- (magical) robots
- psychologists mumbling something, telling something about character details
- army spies, army medics
- musicians, singers, artists (increase spirits a bit when around)
- poets (tells poets when around)
- (medieval) corporate people: businessmen (salesmen), bookkeepers, analysts,
investors (money)
- drug smugling: sell/own alcohol, coffee, mushrooms, drugs, cannabis (imho bad
effects to character)
- sports people
- lovers (two people), family (of x race) visiting the city
- slaves working for their master
- newspaper seller, postmen
- herbalist
- acupuncturist
- person of: all known specialities in batmud
- very rare high level people that one might found in the city (so high level
people can keep searching the city)
- jeweller selling pearls etc. (could increase charisma if weared)
- thieves (but pretending to be ordinary people), may steal something from you
and must be killed to get the item back
- boozemen, drug addicts (may attack you but are very weak)
- magical people: brain transplants, remote control (telepathy) of brain,
neuromanipulation to change person
- pilgrims on a holy journey
- corrupted policemen (want bribes/money)
- book priting house people, librarian
- academic/professor (some were ph.d. priests in medieval times)
- poor people selling flowers, stuff on the streets
- torturer's looking for a prey
- politician
- farmers visiting a town
- animals (birds, snakes, spiders etc easy kill)

etc. etc. make it much more interesting and fun searching the city.

80d, 21h, 23m, 23s old