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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.kharim > Kharim summary

24 Apr 2023 14:35
It was a lovely day when Kizarwexius and I found each other at the creek. We
both had bottles of mead...aww screw it, I have so many other things to do
today, so no time for story this time! So, in short, 'kharim summary' command
has received a small addition which allows you to see a sort of adaptation
breakdown based on your combat rounds. You can thank Moviae for the idea. I'm
not entirely sure if this was what he was looking for, but technical side of
this causes limitations too. Hopefully this brings some more joy to your lives


A r c h w i z a r d
8y, 314d, 1h, 51m, 47s old
600 [Wizard]