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BatMUD Forums > Ideas-wanted > Fresh Meat

17 May 2023 12:26
I have more time on my hands to play Hardcore Bat for now, would like to see
some more fresh meat over here. It can be easy to die over here but with some
precautions and a new way of thinking and playing versus bat you can live a
long time, and really kick butt over here. I'm thinking about doing some Eq and
I would like to lead some 3 man and 6 man parties. We have some some other
established leaders and we are all very helpful over here, well most of
us...Advantages to playing here....
No guild restrictions
double stats
rebirthing gives +2 to skills and spells and basically 1 free level up to 6x
birth,1 every 2 after that
eq stats are doubled, Regen is tripled that applies to demons also

Here is a typical xp build for me I currently have 7 births
gnoll civ tiger 25 spider 30 druid 2 nav 1 reaver 1 bard 1 folk...with some mid
level eq and a decent demon i have
2000 hps 1400 sps,i can claw with 25 tiger hidden vital points 1meg mobs and
take the punishment
I heal about 400 hps in my wis set,i do have 1050 taskpints currently

Our continent is pre conversion, no ships tho, so smaller overworld
40 pr with eq/demon thats nice!
our undead are stun immune, except for special eq monsters
100 manos rocks,gullervo unstun is 50k cash,so your not eternally stuck playing
a undead for safety, gnoll xp rate is popular
we have Ascension and overtrain,happy orb hunting
You can be a rocking nomad that isn't boring, civ is popular here as non
nomad, you can even abuse good religious +30 cure light wounds as tiger when
low on xp for levels,no evil to heal applies tho
Akemi is stationary, so when your bigger joining tiger isn't too difficult
You can be a LOC here, a good starting build is 3-4 mage rest in loc as a
skeleton nomad, maybe a few barb for rep building and camping
btw heal self doesn't suck here the healing is similar to cure light wounds
spider demons are nicer here, they don't poison and kill you, but your eps and
sps do drop to 0 and you loose 4-500? hps
we have secondaries here,so everyone can have a merchant character
featherweights are permanent.
druid gem fire can shoot all types,great for resistance testing
reaver is somewhat updated,so they have CDA no other guilds do
all weapons hit every combat round ,so no weapon speed bs,so the bigger the
and taskpoints cost dont need to pay to have taskpoints so if your
love playing free games Hc is the way to go
So if your not a whiner or baby come join,you may

321d, 15h, 6m, 55s old