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BatMUD Forums > Mudcons > This forum will be archived

01 Sep 2023 11:29
Mudcon -related topics and announcements are usually sent to such news groups
as "Inform", but mostly the information is available in-game from the
sign-up mascots for various player meet-ups.

E.g. our previous convention was VegasCon 2023 in Las Vegas, NV just last month
and the next player meet-up is happening on the weekend of the 29th of
September and the 1st of October, 2023 ("tell lapinukko info" in-game
for more information) in Lapland at Luosto, Finland.

Best Regards,
Amarth Shadowstring

A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 48d, 4h, 2m, 49s old
600 [Wizard]