Considering the Nergal situation and its recent changes that allow you a free
reincarnation, some have been asking if there could be any easing available
for Triad->Triad reincarnations. I've taken a while to ponder the situation
and I've decided that certain requests may perhaps be performed. I will
list here WHICH things may be helped, and which may NOT. Keep in mind that
Nergal offering free reincarnation is an option, not a mandatory choice.
Check below table for specialized Triad->Triad reincarnation.
Swamps No changes. Technical issue. -> You get legacy mandate.
Remission/Nethera Learned skills come back automatically, no changes.
Doctrines Retrain, use the library books.
Guild Positions You have reapply.
Faith May be restored for fee of 200k gold.
Gambit reward May be restored for fee of 200k gold.
Seniority May be restored for free.
Theology of dark.. Affected by seniority, so should happen simultaneously
Name day gift Not restored, meet Lotte before reincing if you want it
Prayers Not restored, go to a sermon in new reinc
Non-triad related Non-triad related temporary reinc bonuses are by default
treated as temporary. They are to be handled by their
coders, or not handled at all. If such things
are needed, consult such coders for details whether they
want to do something about it and leave me out of it.
Alternative is also not to reinc at all.
How this works then? There is no coded apparatus to handle this so it
requires my online presence and manual work from me. Therefore, some
bigger issues are handled for free, but some non-serious things have an
additional cost, because these are basically things that fix themselves
with time, and fixing them is also wasting my time. If you're planning a
Nergal free reinc and wish for tailored modifications for your reinc
triadwise, here's how to act:
1) Read the table above.
2) Decide which modifications you request and let Darol know
about those. You can also leave an offline tell to Darol, in case he
is not online at the time.
3) If your request includes modifications that have a cost, transfer the money
to Darol.
4) Once Darol replies to you, let him check some Triad stuff before reincing
so they may be restored.
5) Once a permission is received, go ahead with your Nergal reinc.
6) Rejoin Triad and contact Darol, so the adjustments can actually be made.
7) That's it.
NOTE: If you perform step 5 before step 4, you are not entitled to any of
these special treatments.
Special instructions which are REALLY IMPORTANT. Follow the steps 1-7 so that
when you actually contact me, you have a clear idea what you want to do and
you are ready to follow through with these steps so that this 7-step process
would be completed as smoothly as possible. If you need to go to the grocery
store, rescue a cat from a tree, go to your grandma's second funeral or
third wedding, then do that instead. Having to wait online for you to manage
your own request is an experience I'd rather not have. Needlessly elongated
handling of your issue from your side may be met with a rejection of the
privilege stated above.
Since these Triad->Triad reincarnations require my presence, I'll try to
show up every once in a while. Right now I'm quite busy, so I may not be
able to handle these things all the time, but I'll try to make some for
it. Have patience.