Just want to vent out my frustration, so ignore this or make some witty
comments. I don?t care.
I?ve enjoyed BatMUD a long time and I hope to have some fun here - even after
this rant. I?m a casual player who comes here to shut my brains from the real
life and this game manages to do the trick for me. Congratulations for that!
That is until the frustration of the recent changes blows my mind off, again!
I?ve never been the one to seek the easy way to be OP and I?ve banged my head
with quests, and what not ? to a point where other people might think i?m
grazy. Never been the one to ask for advice, gotta figure out things myself
kind of type.
For example - I have bought just few chests. I wanted to do the chests myself
because it is possible. That means i?ve grinded my chest creation to 100% few
times just to get those slots and I can tell you, it?s painful for a person
like me to fumble and lose thousands of kilograms of material while doing it .
To the point
I?ve found myself lacking of slots again and after my favourite guild in this
game got tuned (nergals) my former reinc was done. What next? I figured:
?Let?s do some shipquests and chest slots for the upcoming?. Main reason for
this is that it?s almost pointless to exp around here after playing in the HC.
I?m absolutely going to exp around here anyway, I just need to die in HC

So, set did my free reinc to merch just to find that it?s even worse agony
than I remembered!
I did my first attempt to make a chest with 100kg pieces of hardly earned
divine wood. I think it was two shapes before the hull was ready and i fumbled
so I lost about 1500kg of material in the process not to mention the skeleton.
Then I started to look what went wrong. ..
I found a news post about a tune that told there is a chance not to fumble
with less amount of material and that there is some material masteries going
along with all this too. Nice. I switched to 50kg and then I lost approx.
1200kg of material and I wont even mention the skeleton. Oh, I mentioned the
skeleton, did I?
Is there a point?
So.. the point? It?s not a good way to tune this guild to make it harder for
the returning players/newcomers. Make it harder for the people who are
?abusing? the chest business around. I see that the chest prices have held
even there is a ?repeat? command and ships to gather the materials. I know
it?s a pain to adjust this game for everyone, but please stop punishing the
utter newbies for the power of highbies. Let the highbies get the pole
Anyway, i Found out that the material needed for not to fumble (with some
gained masteries) is around 25kg (might be 29.999). I hope that saves some
extra work for raising the chest creation for everyone, including the
And like i said before, I just need to vent out. Don?t take it too seriously.