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BatMUD Forums > Inform > Midnight Sun con 2025 in Northern Lapland (before gala!)

27 Jan 2025 17:15
We are arranging a special event just days before BatMUD's 35th Anniversary
gala in Inari, Northern Lapland!!

This cabin-style meet-up takes place between the 9th and 12th of June
(Monday-Thursday) with also options to extend this from each end w/ 1 day. Main
program is being planned for Tuesday/Wednesday for those who can't stay longer.
You can opt-in to stay for the whole time or for just a couple of days for 'a
power buff' in Lapland directly before the 35th Gala event in Helsinki! (Note:
Attending the gala is not required to be eligible to join the Midnight Sun

If you've never been to the northernmost Lapland, this event will be quite
spectacular to attend due to the surrounding wilderness and nature, Europe's
largest wilderness lake.

The easiest way to get to the location from Helsinki is to take a 1h30m flight
(e.g. Finnair) to Ivalo Airport (IVL). Transport from the airport (IVL) and
back is being organized for your convenience.

For more information (and options), "tell noaidi info" and go sign-up
in Arelium's Church.

On behalf of the collegium of Archwizards,
Amarth Shadowstring

A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 262d, 8h, 31m, 42s old
600 [Wizard]