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Library: The Siren's Call - a diary to a New World


Author: beliar
Date:Jan 31 2008

Sailing the Sea of Lucentium, Exodus came upon a ghost ship adrift for many
months or possibly years. Evilild boarded the ship, searching for clues about
the doomed vessel. Though the captain's log was sparse and unenlightening, she
found a brief diary in one of the staterooms.

Personal Diary,
Rogarne Vasél

I.A.663, first thaw, fourthnight

        The journey from Bat City has been pleasant and balmy thus far,
though the captain says he's not comfortable until he's seen dark clouds, or 
the first week has escaped without event.   My dreams of late have not been
of like character with the cloudless skies, however; rather they have been of
a turbulent and disturbing nature, much like to the visions given to the old
henwife of Landshead.
    In the clear light of day, I question my wisdom in leaving my native soil
so hastily for a foreign land I yet know little of.  It is said that the wise
seek counsel before acting - though it is counsel I go now to seek - and
perhaps I should have pondered things out on the firmament, rather than here
in the bobbing waves.  Certainly my mind has no time for solid thoughts here,
and the rocking of my chamber colors both my dreams and my waking
contemplations.  I am fortunate to have such fine company (and food) to
distract me from inconsequential worries; the crew are gentlemen all, and the
captain's wit is sharper than his cutlass.
    It consoles me to remember the decree of the stones, and to know that it
was my fate to seek the advice of the Oracle.  Whether or not my tidings bear
truth folk can learn, I am sure that my journey shall in some way bring better
fortune to my people, even though the king may care little for them.  I am
resolved to keep my night dreams from dissuading further progress towards our
goal, and I shall mention them no more to the crew.
    I've just returned from the stern deck; the instruments were all useless
in the fog.  I will have to wait for fairer weather for my readings - at least
the captain has those bothered clouds he's been waiting for.

Halfmoon, tendays

        I'm afraid I've neglected you, my friend diary, while the weather has
lain sluggish and humid about us - I suppose it created a like disposition in
me.  Now the winds have picked up again, and helmsman Gurren says he guesses
our destination will reach us within another tendays, just in time to prepare
for a full moon counsel with the oracle.  I shall be happier when we are
there, when the stars ought to give kinder messages than they do at present. 
Though I have no cause to fear vengeance, the sign of the gar fills me with
unease, and the crew are all restless. 

Fertile moon

    I have left off keeping track of days, and have decided to cultivate my
patience instead.  I shall only arrive in Aurelium when the gods will me to
arrive, no sooner.  The time passes with little notice, now that Pego has
shown me his favorite treasure.  He will not tell me where he found the
bauble, but I am content that he will let me study it; I am the only one that
knows his "secret."  Though this thing gives me amusement first, it also seems
to lend a calmness to all things when I hold it.  
    Perhaps it is a sense of the smoothness of the ocean, seemingly more
real than the turbulence that upsets the boat and sets my weal in woe, that
comes from this child's toy and lends comfort.  Pego says the thing is magic,
and I doubt him not, though I reckon it is gnome magic such as is used to ease
life's burdens.
    Capt. Perytos reassures me that we'll reach shore within the week, and I
must say that the thought will lend me more restful sleep than any other thing
on this vessel, stars be damned.

    It has taken me a while to find more ink for my quills - the kraken black
having spilt in the terrific swells that have been hoving the boat to and fro.
 A feeling of doom has settled over the men, many of which swear to have heard
mermaid song calling them. Though the seers have long since disproved the
being of sirens and nixies and other fanciful sea-creatures, the superstitions
of sailors die hard.  Only a few dare to man the rigging and keep the boat on
course, the rest fearing myths of sea magic more than they fear the wrath of
our powerful captain.  It would seem that even cheerful Pego has let the spell
of dark clouds affect his mood.  He must be hiding somewhere with his trinket,
because I could not find him in any of the usual places.  
    The dream is hard to ignore now, because sleep is so restless that I need 
more of it just to keep my feet.  I can envision the song wafting over our
helpless crew, drawing them deckwards where they are caught by the beauty of
the sirens - they leap overboard to their doom, heedless to the end... Perhaps
it is madness, but I have instructed the captain to keep the men locked below
decks for the remainder of the journey they are too unruly and disturbed.  
... I can hardly sleep now, my hammock rocks so ... it is easier to stay
wakeful and grasp my desk.  I can almost imagine that I hear beautiful voices
calling me   - they are so pure.

So ends the final entry.
