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Mud Quotes

Submitted by: Crysan
At: Dec 30 2003
Rating: 99
Kon [newbie]: are roosters always this TOUGH?! Stalgrad [newbie]: quit playin with yer cock Kon [newbie]: damn its hard Stalgrad [newbie]: it's cuz ya keep playin with it! Kon [newbie]: I am NOT playing with it I am trying to BEAT it!
Submitted by: Jebu
At: Dec 30 2003
Rating: 68
Obah [newbie]: Just how many times I have to kick and hit a pigeon to kill it? Shay [newbie]: are you using kill? Obah [newbie]: 'kill' helped. Thanks :)
Submitted by: Gorge
At: Jan 2 2004
Rating: 56
[22:04]:Cyberman <bat>: Nod, my other ex dumped me when I told her the reason I never came out was because I spent my days and nights playing a text-based virtual life where I believed I was an immortal wizard overlooking over a bunch of life-less beings who pretended to be horned men chasing monsters with magical, pointy weapons.
Submitted by: Capula
At: May 27 2005
Rating: 50
Krzysiek tells you 'wanna come finish moreod ?' You tell Krzysiek 'im in same party man'
Submitted by: Calmar
At: Dec 30 2003
Rating: 45
[18:50]:Arakorni <bat>: I have heard rumors of Durand's secondary characters that are on a killing spree now and then [18:50]:Thematrix [bat]: I'm not his secondary. [18:50]:Durand <bat>: I repeat: I'm not his secondary. [18:50]:Durand <bat>: oops [18:50]:Thematrix [bat]: ack wrong window
Submitted by: Nuane
At: Mar 10 2004
Rating: 43
Pehtoori {party}: mee 1d scaler Pehtoori {party}: scaaler Scaler [party]: noh? Pehtoori {party}: mene 1d Scaler goes linkdead. Info: Scaler goes link dead. Pehtoori {party}: meni sit ld Procyon [party]: ei vaan 1 d Nuane [party]: :D Tiigeri [party]: hehj oo Pehtoori {party}: käskin menee 1d Tiigeri [party]: nero =) Tiigeri [party]: no oha toi 1 melkein ku l Pehtoori {party}: nyt seon 15minuuttia ld Tiigeri [party]: koskakoha se uskaltaa tulla takas =)
Submitted by: Huppu
At: Apr 14 2004
Rating: 38
Huppu (zerg+): taas kerran mudquote latestis on samoilt idiooteilt tyhmimmät ei-kiinnosta-pätkääkään quotet Geryon [zerg+]: noi jotkut ssmud ja strikerbum quotet missä ei oo mitään hauskaa on kyllä vammasta Yorkaturr [zerg+]: Pahvi vois mudquote bannaa noi
Submitted by: Walor
At: Feb 25 2005
Rating: 36
Walor (report): ( Armour of Aether +on+ <sticky> ) Black scaled dragon utters the magic words 'whoosy banzziii pal eeeiizz dooneb' A dispel good hits you. That really HURT! Boysen [party]: my resist dispel doenot work
Submitted by: Pahvi
At: Dec 31 2003
Rating: 35
Aratsoonin ambush message: Arachon [party]: PALOKUNTA ! POLIISI !! LAAKINTAMIEHET !!! NYT OLLAAN VAIJYTYKSESSA !!!! UlululuULULUUH Ari Vatasen-merkkinen hiekkaranta lahestyy! MIKSI ajoit ilman alykkyytta, peukalot keskella kammenta, ladon kokosella koboldilla, silmat kiinni juoksuhiekkaan! Idasta voi tulla omiakin, mutta joku on jalassa kiinni!!
Submitted by: Dupre
At: Jan 9 2004
Rating: 35
Submitted by: Noctur
At: Feb 21 2004
Rating: 35
(courtesy of Zagor) Grinning diabolically Troll gnaws you snapping a neck bone. Troll waves its index finger while uttering 'omm zur semen' A psi blast hits you. That really HURT! You feel excruciating PAIN in your head! You flee in terror! You pay the troll 210 gold and he lets you pass.
Submitted by: Lythlandria
At: Dec 30 2003
Rating: 34
You tell Thematrix 'I thought you got removed' Thematrix tells you 'by who?' You tell Thematrix 'Gore' Thematrix tells you 'why?' Thematrix tells you 'ok i don't know what the fuck you are talking about' You tell Thematrix 'maybe he'll do it tomorrow' Thematrix tells you 'why would he and where do you get this idea?' You tell Thematrix 'forget it, I shouldn't be talking about it.' ...Minutes later... Thematrix tells Gore and you 'Lythlandria you fucking liar.' Gore tells Thematrix and you 'but a smart enough liar to almost causing you a heartattack :)' You tell Thematrix and Gore (idle 16h, 9min and 5s) 'lol :)'
Submitted by: Noctur
At: Feb 21 2004
Rating: 33
Fobia - is a level 33 mortal of the Troll race. She was created Thu Jul 27 00:50:37 2000 and she is 7d, 5h, 55min and 29s old. She has been on for 13h, 24min and 19s, idle 5s. She has killed: A white queen radiant in her glory, 61067 exp Alena, the acquisitionist, 85705 exp (party of 3) Plan: >Ottie tells you 'Did you just stole our queen?!!!' >You tell Ottie 'Nope' >Ottie tells you 'Ah, ok...'
Submitted by: Dupre
At: Jun 11 2004
Rating: 33
Dupre (party): dimmi Lim [party]: You are casting 'summon slovenian war hero'
Submitted by: Logicus
At: Jan 23 2005
Rating: 33
Effigy [newbie]: how can you lure the peacock borthers ? Effigy [newbie]: out of their hosue Effigy [newbie]: i tried wearing cecilias sexy black suit but that didnt lure them out
Submitted by: Hora
At: Aug 9 2004
Rating: 32
Kerzebel [wanted]: sum and rp, quickly You tell Kerzebel 'en voi reloa sine misoot' Kerzebel tells you 'no sum area' Kerzebel tells you 'siks pyysin sum rp'
Submitted by: Torc
At: Sep 13 2004
Rating: 32
Rocker concentrates immensely and mumbles 'mega visa huijari' a small jeweled ring <red glow> vibrates slightly for a moment. Rocker [party]: div pr Rocker [party]: mikä tää ringi oli?
Submitted by: Headway
At: Oct 23 2005
Rating: 31
Don [party]: forgive me, this battle tick is somthing I have never heard of or been told about Headway [party]: you're on lvl 92 ..? Don [party]: even as a blaster( a damned good one too) I never heard of it
Submitted by: Ere
At: Jan 4 2004
Rating: 30
Brock hops on one leg, flaps her arms and chants 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' Brock mumbles something inconcievable. Brock says 'ainii.' Brock disappears in a puff of smoke. Brock Scotty is a level 21 immortal.
Submitted by: Jebu
At: Dec 31 2003
Rating: 29
Kawasa tells you '*** la crystal vai? ***' You tell Kawasa 'jep' Kawasa tells you '*** tuli dagger mahaan ***' You tell Kawasa 'look at crystal ja join?' Kawasa tells you '*** niin ***' You tell Kawasa 'ja on maxed tarmie jo?' Kawasa tells you '*** niin ***' You tell Kawasa 'laita uudestaa look at' You tell Kawasa 'se sanoo jotain' Kawasa tells you '*** its too dark to see ***' Kawasa tells you '*** meinaaks se mitään? ***' You tell Kawasa 'joo se meinaa että tarviit infraringin'