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Author: merja
Date:Feb 18 2008

It is quiet. Too quiet.
Just in time,
*Apocalypse dashes in.
The scene changes.
Rapidly they are flailing
Limbs askew
Cacaphony and we sing.
Joy comes of the song
With our tears
Come one thousand years;
We stand and sing as one.
One body of men, so proud
Standing the night through.
A battle in time,
One common enemy
Confronts the line.

And in the silence
One flag is raised.
The heart sings,
And I sing, we all sing,
As one the mind soars
With this tireless wind,
Such a strong current
Carries us forward.

The back unbroken
By trial and labour
We cry a song
Weeping silent tears
Dry as the ocean
I stand by, saluting
The unknown Sailor,
The unknown Marine,
The unknown Soldier,
The unknown Airman,
Death and glory
Will be seen again.
Weep for those of us
Who cannot.

We will not forget you.

GRC. From: Ars Poetica: Warrior Pose. Great Lakes, IL, USA. 2004.
