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Library: Pangi and the bull


Author: pangi
Date:May 5 2008

Sit a while my friends. Have a drink, and take a load off your back. Let me
tell you the story of one of the greatest acts bravery and stupidity to ever
grace the realm of bat. When a group of friends, including yours truly, went
on a routine trip to the lands of the Midnight Carnival, did we learn the true
meaning of courage and stupidity. This fine line of bravery and stupidity is
where all true heroes learn to tread so frequently, it begins to feel like
second nature.  
Shortly after the creation of the new realm, as refugees were slowly getting
assimilated into the new bat culture, a group of seven warriors embarked on a
raiding party into Midnight Carnival. The strange land introduced us to many
strange caged creatures, all which we slayed, including their brutal
gatekeeper. As our party moved towards the unsuspecting village, our cunning
leader, the great Sir Malcom, decided to take down the administrative power of
the village. Thus, we made certain to murder the mayor and all other citizens
we encountered.
With confidence pumping in our veins, we decided to explore a cave that was
emitting some distant chatter. With our party ready we encountered some of the
most aggressive fighters I have ever seen. Though, their skills in battle were
no match to our brute strength. After ransacking their little enclave, we made
forth to the town. It was lightly guarded by two guardsmen. Both valiantly
died defending their village. As we meticulously went from house to house, on
our blood hungry campaign, we met various shop keepers all who did not stand a
chance to our might.
Off in the distance we see the towers of a magnificent castle. After a morning
full of bloodshed we decided to make a small camp to gather our strength and
tend to any wounds. As the mages and the healer concentrated on gathering
their mental capacity to spend on their spells, the tanks started sharing
stories of previous battles. Being an assassin, hired on many missions, I have
heard of this legendary castle from my travels. Hidden beneath in some secret
entrance there was rumored to be a great bull that guarded an extremely rare
and sought out piece of equipment. This equipment was the jewel of the castle.
Our leader overheard this story and he was determined to bring us to this bull
and make him put his reputation on the line. Shortly after, we were on our way
once more.
After a short trek we made it to the gates of the caste. There were only two
guards at the gates, we must have arrived just as the remainder of the guards
were on break, thus we quickly made our way into the castle. We were on a
mission to get to this bull, and whoever got in our way would face magic and
sword. We first encountered an old mage that was mumbling about the bull, but
unfortunately (for himself) he refused to elaborate on the ware bouts of him.
Leaving the mages room, we were met by the king of the castle, who asked us
what we were up to in his castle. We replied that we were on a mission for the
bull and nothing was going to stop us, especially him. Visibly afraid, he did
not tell us of any information, and as a result we spilt his blood on the
floor of his castle. 
Continuing our search we met a peculiar and strange skull that was enchanted
and granted the ability to speak. It informed us of the bull and where it was
hidden, out of the goodness of its nonexistent heart. It informed us that
there was a secret passage hidden in the large clock in the center of the
castle, and in there we would find what we were searching for; but we should
beware of the danger that is hidden on the other side of the clock, for we
were not the first adventurers seeking the treasure. He gave us his blessing
and hoped we would come back victorious. 
We gathered ourselves and bravely entered the large clock, not knowing what
was on the other side. As we made our way down the hidden passage, we heard
the roar of the beach ahead of us. The salt stained cave was dark, and we were
unsure what awaited us beyond the next turn. As we made our way closer to the
shore, we saw the mighty beast in the distance. With everyone ready we made a
charge for the bull, hoping to catch him off guard. Unfortunately the bull had
keen senses and saw us as we closed the distance between him and us. 
The battle was ferocious and tiresome at the same time. Though we were skilled
fighters in our trade, the bull was just too overwhelming at times, and slowly
one by one our men began to fall. First, I saw Lozlo to my left fall by a
mighty blow to the skull, there was nothing I could do to protect him. As a
result of his fall, the mage and healer that were safely behind him were
exposed to the fury of the mighty bull. Once our healer fell, our party was
doomed to face the awesome furry of the bull. Slowly one by one our members
fell by its brutal onslaught. Before I had a chance to realize what was going
on, I noticed that I was the only party member left alive. 
Being an assassin my specialty was stunning my opponent and searching for a
weakness, though at an enemy this size and stature I could not possibly find
any weakness in this brute. I would sneak into battle and when my wounds got
too severe I would melt back into the shadows, out of the reach of the angry
bull, to heal my wounds with my minor healing spells. This, my dear friends is
the stupidity of a warrior, standing up and facing the enemy even while his
companions have fallen. Stupidity or courage is for you to decide. I for one
was not about to leave the battle and let my fallen friends be disgraced by
the bull. I would emerge from the shadows calling out "FOR GLORY!" or "FOR
HONOR!" as I would charge at the bull with every ounce of strength I had.
As the day wore on, my deceased mates were magically brought back to life by a
generous member of the mysterious Tarmalen. This great feat of magical power
was heaven sent. The mages and healer used all their magical strength to
relocate themselves to me and heal me, for I was severely hurt. With the mages
ready, they summoned the strong warriors that were by my side. Surprisingly,
they looked as if they had never left my side. Together united, we made our
charge at the bull with more resolve and determination than ever.
The bull was caught off guard, being used to facing me alone, it was not ready
to face the full fury of my party. Though the bull battled valiantly, its
resolve was not up to par with our determination for victory. With magical
spells flying through the air and swords slashing at its flesh, the bull
slowly lost its edge, and with one final blast conjured from our leader
Malcom, so grand was this spell, that the unsuspecting bull had no chance to
defend itself. As a result the mighty beast had fallen. The life was bleeding
out of the bull, and we stood triumphantly over the carcass that was at our
feet. Just behind the bull we saw the prize. In a chest hidden behind the
massive creature was the equipment that we were seeking. Ecstatic with the
great victory that we just had, seeing this extremely valuable item in our
hands was well worth the trouble we faced with the bull.
As we made our way back to the village of our own, my fellow adventurers
unanimously decided that because of my strength and courage, I deserved to
keep the equipment for myself. This honor that was bestowed upon me was by far
the greatest I have ever received. I reassured my mates that I would not have
been able to continue the fight if it was not for their courage and their
great friendship that we all shared. Since that day, I wore the equipment
around my neck with a sense of pride, knowing that I was able to hold off the
beast for a short period of time, though without my friends I would not have
been able to take it down.
Thus, I conclude my tale of honor and courage. This story though goes deeper
to prove that with friendship and brotherhood even the weakest of warriors can
rise to great danger and look it in the eye. This sense of camaraderie fuels
the hearts of warriors to rise against adversity and defeat any foe that may
get in their way.
