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Library: A stoner goes to CampCon


Author: kragan
Date:Jun 14 2008

   It's early afternoon on Wednesday, the day before we leave for CampCon.  My
car is loaded with all the camping gear that I'll need for a few days in the
woods. I spark a fatty as I drive to my buddy Hair's house. Having been there
before, I allowed myself to daydream about thirty minutes past my turn.
   As I search my phone, the realization that I am lost and have no way to
contact Hair settles over me. I remember that my laptop is with me so I park
at a hotel and steal wi-fi. When connected to Batmud, my new hero Daria gives
me Hair's phone number and I was saved. Hanging out with Hair who doesn't
smoke, I smoked another fatty before laying down to sleep. The anticipation of
the coming trip keeps me awake most of the night.
  Nine hours into the trip, we are anxious to arrive in Clay City and see our
friends. So far its been a great trip, very few stops and making good time.
Alas, it was too good to be true, we were given bad directions. ARGH!!
Mapquest had sent us two hours out of the way. We don't panic, Hair pulls out
the map to plot the new course while i stepped out to smoke a bowl. Resuming
the trip with renewed vigor, Hair with new directions me witha great buzz,
life is good.
  Arriving at our destination, the first thing we notice is tents everywhere,
only mud was more plentiful. A few small crowds of people scattered around the
area. We set up our tents before it gets dark, thanks to Moonraven who staked
us out some spots. My spot was mostly poison ivy but who cares its time to
party! Off to meet and greet and smoke and drink and raise hell. Its all a
blur until the next day.
  After a night of smoking and drinking its time for a trip to "Lothlorien", a
very special place know for the healing powers of its moss. I can't remember
who all hiked through the woods for the 'trash tour', but we smoked and drank
while meditating on the true meaning of CampCon. A few hours later about 4pm,
came the monster storm that changed us all a little bit.
  I was in my tent when it hit. I didn't think much of it since it has rained
every year that i had come so far. Naptime! Awakening four hours later to the
sound of the downpour on my tent I decided to smoke a bowl and take another
nap. This goes on until about 8am when noticing a break in the weather I head
for the common area. It was here that Canadian Special Force Firebuilding
Expert Ewige was hard at work. With the help of his eager assistant Hannibal,
Ewige creates a blaze with wet wood that continued to grow even though the
rain had started again. Smoking a joint I head for the shelter of my tent for
another nap before the saturday noontime trip to 'Lothlorien'.
  The members of the 'Lothlorien' party were as follows: (Leader) Entropy,
nonmudder Myke, Tank, Redball, Savok, Deathseeker, me, and Moonraven's sisters
boyfriend nonmudder 'dude'. A few joints, a few beers, a quick healing rest in
the moss for Savok, and we head back to the party.Things get a bit hazy from
here so bear with me. I remember it kinda like this...
  Jager bombs, joints, blunts, bowls, more jager bombs, way too many people on
the bardic log, Froggy says from the bardic log "..... and Kragan has the best
pot ever!!", guy in drag singing about wishing he had a penis?, some boobs
(Tedra?), more joints, lots of mud, Nina smokes with me!, Gunks really tall,
Deathseekers not and finally awesome LOUD fireworks!
  Waking up Sunday morning sucks big ones. Not because I feel like poop,
although I do. But, because unless we can figure something out for next year,
its the last day of the last CampCon. Walking around after packing up the van,
I say goodbye to many friends some new, some old, but all special. Thanks
