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Library: A New Age


Author: lysander
Date:Feb 12 2010

It was just another day. I was returning from the longest of my crusades yet.
I was very, very tired of all the fighting and traveling as was all of my men.
We had been called to aid some three months ago by the villagers and peasants
of a land called Iseria.
The man who started it all and who was to blame of all the suffering and war,
was the steward of Iseria Lord Mungo.
He was a cruel and greedy barbarian, who would torture and kill the real
owners of Iseria, the villagers. No one really knows if he did all this
cruelty just to get more gold and land, but i had a feeling he did it all just
out of pure hatered.
It was a long ride to Iseria and as we arrived we were stunned of all the
burned villages and destroyed farms. There were dead animals all over and the
beautiful landscape was completely dominated by smoke and fire. It was clear,
that Mungo had burned this village not more than a few hours ago and since
there was no one here to tell us about anything we just had to find some
tracks of Mungo's raid party and follow them east towards the next village. I
had no clue about where all the farmers had fleed, but i kept telling myself
they had escaped in the woods before Mungo arrived.
After the longest ride we arrived to an opening in the woods. I couldnt
believe what i saw. Mungo with all his so called army were camping here and we
caught them completely by surprise. It was only a few seconds before we
started the fight to end all this mayhem. I wielded my sword and shouted:
"Attack! Leave none alive!". I would ofcourse be the one to take on Mungo as
my champions on horses would slay the army around him. Mungo, as strong and
fast as he was, was no match for me. Mungo raised his mace and started running
towards me and i had only a brief moment to parry his fearsome attack. 
I managed to cleave a chunk of flesh from Mungo's side, and he moaned as 
he was now preparing for another attack. I was raging from all the 
hate and anger and it was nearly a childs play to dodge him again. This time 
I didn't just cleave him by accident, but stuffed my blade to his stomach. 
Mungo shivered as i pulled the sword, but didn't give in just yet. This time 
it was me to make the running attack, and Mungo, completely stunned and 
bleeding was to be defeated. One swift movement, and i could watch his 
barbarian head fly 15 feet in the air. Mungo was now surely dead.
At last Lord Mungo and his army was defeated. I thought to myself why would 
someone do such a thing and murder and pillage around the land, but couldn't 
think of anything but madness and greed, a barbaric mind. I told all my men 
to burn the corpses and get ready to free all the captured villagers who would
be the rightful owners of the land again..
Naturally we were offered gold and goods for defeating Mungo, but i told the
villagers: "We came here not for gold but for glory. No gold can match our
deeds. Now, save all the gold as you will need it to rebuild everything.
Champions get on your horses, we ride home..".
