Author: conquer
Date:Feb 3 2011
Well, who would have thought that trip was to turn out that way" Conivaner
thought to himself as he reflected on the days that had just passed. A wave of
relief washed over him as the sunset and darkness covered the lands. The calm
waters splashed against the sides of the ferry and Conivaner emptied his
tobacco pipe over the edge. "Tomorrow is another day and luck is always on my
A messenger raced through the packed streets shouting about a distant volcano
that was in the process of erupting in lands not too distant.
Gosh, everytime I travel there is bad luck" muttered the elf Ejonige. "Last
time I ventured to the islands of Pallad, I lost my tome and my monocles and
now there is a volcano erupting!
Worry not my favourite elf, I am certain everyone will make it to the event
without troubles" stated the optimistic dryad Conivaner. "What is the worst
that can happen? Perhaps we get stuck in the land of savage reindeer and
friendly bears.
Our two friends have been travelling for several days, their hopes high of
seeing friends not seen for many years and celebrating with them in an event
fit for kings. Conivaner, a dryad from the western lands had made this trip
several times before and did not seem phased by the warnings of the messenger.
Ejonige the obsessive elf from the coastal beach on the other hand was
skeptical and immediately filled with worry. Both breathed a sigh of relief as
they were quickly ushered onto a ferry which would take them to their final
destination, Danlinf.
"What is Danlinf like?" inquired Ejonige. "Well, it is a lot like home, but
the sun disappears during the winter and the locals insist on drinking a lot"
responded Conivaner. "I think it is best for us to just rest, everyone will be
waiting for us." With that, Conivaner closed his eyes and a loud sawmill-like
snore erupted from his body. Ejonige shook his head in disgust, wondering how
it was possible to get any rest.
Upon arriving in the harbor of Danlinf, Ejonige and Conivaner were greeted by
adventurers who had travelled from the nearby lands of Newdes. The
introductions were quick and everyone headed to the local pub in order to
quench their thirst. The Viking warrior mage Gojeck and his faithful friends
Ruffcus, Merivad and Ethunk were in attendance.
"Another drink for my friends!" shouted Ruffcus. "No, no I must only drink
water" complained Ejonige. "Ejonige" whispered Conivaner, "the locals don't
take well to such behavior, I recommend you carry around some tonic water and
try to convince them you are drinking." Ejonige nodded quickly to the wise
words. The air was filled with laughter, stories exchanged of glorious parties
and adventures of the past. Conivaner grabbed his head in pain, knowing that
the morning would not be kind but it was hard to turn away the convincing
Ruffcus and the never ending supply of drink which followed.
The night seemed to last forever and the volcano continued to rage throughout
the night. A messenger arrived in the morning with dire news. "All ferry
travel between lands has been suspended until further notice" reported the
messenger. Ejonige screamed in disarray waking those around him. "I have some
scrolls to return to the library, what is going to happen if I do not return
them in time?" Conivaner slowly stirred from the floor, dragging himself to
his feet. Dread filled his eyes as he exclaimed "Voi vittu! I told my
instructors that my dog died and they granted me a few days leave, what am I
to do now?" Ruffcus awoke from his slumber "worry not friends, we still have
the celebration tonight!" Ejonige and Conivaner agreed.
The festivities that night were grand. Adventurers from around the globe
travelled long and far to attend. Several were unable to attend because of the
ferries being shut down, a moment a silence was held for those not in
attendance. The grandmaster Goreguton kicked off the ceremonies with a speech
that echoed in the hall. They were words that would be taken in and not
forgotten by those in attendance. It was at the event that they met a dark
shadow named Resaqi.
I have heard a story about being able to bargain with the volcanic gods"
Resaqi told the travelers. "But it requires one who is willing to take risks
and have no fear." "I am too conservative for that, I was outside and heard
others talking about renting camels and taking a long journey home" stated
Ejonige "There is no way I would ride a camel all the way back to the west. It
is too troublesome, tell me more about the volcanic gods Resaqi" said
Conivaner. "Camels are not that bad, atleast I doubt they snore louder than
you Conivaner!" exclaimed Ejonige. Conivaner blushed, a deep red blush causing
all those around him to burst into laughter. Resaqi chuckled and continued
with his story. "I have heard the volcanic gods reside in the mountains to the
north, they enjoy games of chance. They do not enjoy the presence of mortals
but are not ones to turn down action either.
The celebrations winded down and slowly the hall emptied. With Ejonige already
fast asleep, Conivaner began to contemplate his own plans on how to get home.
In the morning, Conivaner found Ejonige outside petting a camel. "Morning
Conivaner! Say hello to Roroto, she'll get me home in about 15 nights"
exclaimed Ejonige. "I must get going now, in order to return those scrolls on
That left Conivaner alone, still suffering from the effects of the night
before. Luckily he did not drink himself to the point of forgetting the story
which Resaqi had told him. Quickly gathering his belongings, he set forth to
the north in search of the mountains where the volcanic gods were.
The atmosphere around the mountain was gloomy and dark clouds surrounded the
sky. As he gazed upwards to the mountains, he noticed that the clouds overhead
were not that of normal clouds, but instead consisted of volcanic ash. "This
is not going to be easy" Conivaner thought to himself. Conivaner located a
cave midway up the mountain and cautiously ventured in...