Author: khayman
Date:May 22 2011
I woke up one morning on a cold december early becouse I was having
trouble sleeping, "Well," I thought, "I might as well make the best
of things and log into Batmud. Since it was december my first act was
to annoy and frustratemy fellow mudders by asking, "Where is Santa
Claus.", and "Did anyone getanything good today?" To which someone
responded go find him yourself asshole."So naturally I began
to turn Arelium unside down looking for the man. Srangely
once finding him he instead of sitting me on his lap, he grinned
evily and then discretely handed a black box with red lace to me.
Thinking this is odd I opened the present uneasily. Inside was
a ring and a note.
Oooh, Ahh perhaps the note will tell me the stats of this unusual
ring I thought. Unfortunately I was right. The note read "this
ring is best sacrificed at your racial shrine as it is cursed.
But since you are a mortal and mortals are doomed to try their
luck, you are desined to make 2 wishes by wearing the
ring and spreaking your desire. But be forewarned although your
wish will come true there there will be consequeneces muahhahah.
Well I thought what on Batmud should i wish for? Aha immediately
I knew the answer. In order to be anon-sucky player i needed tps,
tps costedshitloads then, the best deals were 100k per tp on
the tp exchange back then. Since competition was heavy for big
money mobs, I knew what I had to do. I held my ring aloft and
intoned the magic words bringus wishus maximus tolit papers-
and instantlyI had an urge to go buy every task point on the
exchange for some reason. So I went to the exchange and noticed
there were about 11k tps on the exchange from reasonable priced
to ridiculous. "so what the hell", I thought as I attemped
to buy every single one. To my surpise I noticed I bought every
single tp on the exchange! Uh oh i thought as I realized I was
probably goingto get in trouble.I noticed in my score it showed
I had over 10k tps. But I also noticed a problem I was at about negative
Four billion gold or so. Ugh I will never be able to pay
that off, I thought. Then people started to arrive at the tp
exchange as they noticed they were millions richer for
some reason. Next the wizzes summoned me and said I screwed
things up, and ask who did I worked for etc. It was an accident
I said. Then i was kicked off the mud, but not for good
When I could log in again I was in jail and couldnt play,
so my final act was to wish that the wizzes would let me play
again. Then they told me it was obviously a mistake in their
code and restored my char and even gave me 20 tps
for finding a major bug.