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Library: The Lost


Author: kronos
Date:Jul 26 2011

As the Ainur made their great parting and began the struggle for Arda a sole
member of their kind quietly slipped into the shadows of time. This lone Ainur
knew there would be a time when one side or the other succeeded in this
struggle. In hopes that Melkor would fail and peace would be established he
still felt he must take himself apart and prepare for the worst possible
outcome. For years this lone Ainur hid and watched as time played the drama
out before him. As the ages past he took great strides to note and evaluate
every detail of each sides attempts and failures. Secretly searching for a way
to end this struggle he pursued numoruos ways to gain additional power and
skill in preparation for the need he felt he must fill if or when the time
came. Long and long he watched. Secretly he recovered pieces of the Two Trees.
The coming of the new races of Middle Earth began to pose an unforscene
problem for this lone watcher. The life spans of these races caused great
troubles for him. For he had hoped to secretly pursuade members of these races
to join his cause. Even the longer life spans of the Elves and Dwarves have
proven duanting to his need. Over time he settled for establishing a secret
order of mystic followers who have dedicated their lives to helping with this
task. As the ages pass their knowledge is transfered into gems crafted to
contain memories of all who have been intrusted with them. These gems will
pass down through the ages carrying the knowledge of the order and be past to
those most likely to succeed should the need ever arise. They will watch and
learn as the ages pass. Someday they will reach the end or their long arduous
journey. All hoping never to have to reveal themselves as a last resort to
stopping Melkor's futile cause.
