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Library: Valar Origins and Legends


Author: lyserge
Date:Nov 29 2011

Long ago, there was nothing as we know it.  Only Eru Ilúvatar existed;  and
His existence was only a shadow of amorphous Infinity.  Until one day, he
thought about creating the Ainur;  and so they were brought into being, as His
Divine chidren.  Soon, the Music of the Ainur permeated a black universe where
previously there was no good and no evil--  no mountains to climb, no oceans
to sail.  From the thoughts of Ilúvatar, the world was expressed through this
Music--  and made into forms and shapes, then given meaning, by the Ainur.
Thought into existence by Ilúvatar, each Ainu took their task seriously, and
the Arda was fashioned from the beauty of their Music, and the creativity of
the Ainur.  And without a doubt, this new world was paradise, aside from the
filthy creatures which were spawned of Melkor-- the one who opposed the Music,
and resisted the themes of the Arda.  The actions of Melkor resulted in all of
the filth and evil that can be found today.   But aside from this, all was
well and the world was glorious.  Finally, the thoughts of the Creator had
been made real, through interpretation, into a realm of flesh and blood, of
earth and water, of fire, air, and magic.  The Ainur who were bold chose to
enter this new world, known as Arda, and were allowed by Ilúvatar to enter,
and finish the creations which had begun.  Soon the reality of these freshly
created beings (the mortals of the Arda) would forever be changed by this
journey.  For upon entering the Arda, designed from the very Music they so
loved, the Ainur would henceforth be known as the Valar.
No mortal can fathom the power of the Valar.  Through their endless battles
with Melkor they still remain elusive and mysterious.  One cannot say that
they are the same, after an encounter with their divinity;  their words are
almost impossible to comprehend, and their touch upon our realm is either soft
and subtle or strong and overwhelming.
The Valar are seen as Gods to some, although they are not gods.  The only True
God is Eru Ilúvatar and the Valar are merely the Ainur which chose to populate
the Arda.  When they choose, the Valar may manifest as Men or Elves;  but more
often than not, they remain unseen.  It is this mysterious presence that gives
them such power;  who can go up against a force that they cannot see with
their own eyes?  The legacy of the Valar has been imprinted upon all mortals,
and many of the traditions are carried on by Men, Elves, and Dwarves.  Though
the hierarchy of Valar is often questioned, Manwe remains king.  Ulmo is king
of the sea and sailing; none enter his waters without thinking of his name. 
Aule the Smith has been known to wield his hammer with strength unknown to the
greatest Dwarf in the land!  Orome the rider, whose steed is unmatched!  Namo,
judge of the dead... these and many other Valar have let their hand be known
to mortals across the realm.  Even the gentle touch of Este is legendary,
although not as much as the other female Valar known most for their ranking--
Varda (wife of Manwe) and Yavanna.  Their powers are respected and feared, for
the Valar are of the Divine, and not of the Arda originally.  In the
reflection of Ilúvatar?s thoughts, brought to finish the immortal touch on the
world, and bathed in the Music of the original Anuir, the Valar are the
closest things to Gods that mortals will ever see.  They now reside on the
Western continent of Aman, and their home is known as Valinor, and their
language is known as Valarin.
Valarin is a language which no mortal can usually understand.  While the Valar
are telepathic, they must use some method of speaking in their worldly
incarnations.  Usually due to the inability for most to comprehend Valarin,
the Valar would resort to speaking Quenya (with the Elves).  The final aspect
of their mystery, aside from their ability to render themselves unseen or
appear in different forms, is their method of communicating.  While it may
make some shield their ears due to its complexity, Valarin is the most complex
and amazing language in the Arda.  It is only a step down from their usual
mental communication, which is soundless.  To step down to Quenya is far
beneath them;  but it has been necessary to speak to the Elves.  These, and
other amazing mysteries are the characteristics of the Valar--  the Powers of
the Arda which have fascinated the mortal realm for so long.
