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Library: A Silmarillion Epic Poem


Author: marquis
Date:Feb 16 2012

He may have come last, but he was far from the weakest,
And he was unwilling to bow to the powers of darkness.
His laughter and mirth kept things from their bleakest,
Even with the knowledge of the powers Melkor could harness.
His might so powerful that he needs no weapon or steed,
But before his might the demons of chaos still flee.
When the powers of Melkor the Valar were to face,
Tulkas would make sure there was no disgrace.
When Melkor took refuge in the utter most pit,
Tulkas of the Valar would not relent.
He battled with Melkor unwilling to crumble,
Till he beat the dark lord in their god like struggle.
Tulkas did all of this for no boast or feast,
He just did it all so his friends could have peace!
