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Library: The Lost Dreadnaught


Author: linkless
Date:Mar 5 2012

On an evening where fighters fight, and singers sing, a shout went out that
stopped the world. The ground rumbled and the sky went clear, the animals
shivered and looked for cover, Kings and peasants alike stopped to listen to
the thunderious voice. The voice boomed, "To the thief that stole my
dreadnaught return it and be spared. The ferry of lucent is the last known
location. Seek now mortals of the world and find me the thief which has
stabled my pet." The words of the voice caused your body to shiver, for
everyone knew the voice to be benivolent and never such natured.
The voice would speak from time to time but only of good fortune, and tydings.
The voice was known to provide favors for some who were lost in travel, or
loss thier way. Never before had the voice been so terrible. The world was
stopped, the voice was angry. 
Kings and peasants alike voiced out for the thief to return that which they
did not own. The peasants pleaded, the kings offered rewards, even kings
banded together to make the reward so bountiful it would make a king think
thier values be meer. Yet none attrached the thief. The voice booms once
again, "Return my pet and be spared, for you may leave it where i may find it
and no harm shall come. If it is not returned the wrath shall begin." and the
world shook. 
The voice had been so kind just the night before, praising men and woman with
items which led them to become heros in a nights hour. Yet this time was
different, bands of people went from town to town, searching the stables for
the mighty dreadnaught.For what seemed eternity the voice went silent, and
everyone searched high and low for the bandit and the dreadnaught. Rangers
tracked, hunters hunted, Wizards sought thier crystal balls, and none had
found the culprit. Days to weeks, Weeks to Months the time went by, and
everyone wondered had the dreadnaught been found. The voice was silent. Would
there ever be a benivolent voice again.
The searching had almost stopped and the world boomed, this time the ground
did not shake, the sky did not clear, the voice began, "I have found the thief
and I know who you are, return my pet or fear the wrath of man and woman.
Return my pet and your name be clearly left alone, do not and I shall boom
your name and let the world determine your fate." 
The Kings and peasants chanted for the voice to boom the name of the thief. Oh
Voice of benivolence let us make this right, give us a name and we shall hunt
the person to the ends of the world. Give us a name and we shall torture and
torment until your dreadnaught returned. Let us get back to the day the voice
spoke kind words, the voice made heros in a nights hour. Give us the name and
we damn them.
The voice did boom once more, "My pet, my pet come home" and the sky grew
dark, and something blocked the sun. Like a moving cloud blocking the sun a
huge monster hovered the city. The claws large, and the spine curving to the
sky, the scorpion dreadnaught was returning to it's master. The only scream to
be heard came from the monster like a hiss from a snake, the only word
A boom from the voice "The thief has been releaved to return my pet, the
benivolence shall return" Kings and peasants wiped their brow, thankful they
have been returned to normal. 
The Thieft of Tulkas's Scorpion Dreadnaught. 
