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Library: Banner before the W


Author: wbanner
Date:Mar 19 2012

Pressed on the the field at and unkown battelfront a new hero emerges
Battle weary and starved for rest.Yet pushing on past the mists of the war.
Our young WBanner presses on to confront the mighty foes whom set afoot our
realm on demon wing.
The battle grows all around him unsettling as it would seem.He fights on never
losing faith in Eru the creator for it is with his last breath he chooses to
end his mortal life.Be it now or on some other battlefront.
In the back of his mind the prayer to Eru and the chance meeting with this his
would be last foe.He stand awaiting the answer to his prayer and that they be
heard yet in this final hour of possible life.And as his prayers were answered
that day he stand mightly up his foes chest a true powerful Valar on this day.
