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Library: Don't expect me to know


Author: Pirotessa
Date:Mar 4 1996

This is STUPID, I'm telling you.  Really, sometimes I can't believe the
stupidity of people.
All this has nothing at all to do with BAT itself, sorrey if you expected it
This deep underground vault was originally used to store $9M (9 million)
dollars worth of gold.  28 levels undergound, supposedly nuclear-proof.  Talk
about paranoia.
Think of what you could buy with $9M dollars in gold.  Heh, it's not the gold
that concerned me, though, not really.  The gold was moved out about 2 months
ago.  And what was placed inside the vault was a tad more important, b'cos she
was a person.  No, not my kid, but still a once-close friend.
  Big John had originally ordered that the vault be defended and that no one
be allowed to leave with the girl/prisoner until she was "re-oriented".  At
one time I thought these were smart, clever, intelligent masterminds who ran
the network.  But now I realize there just a bunch of loonies who crave to
follow something, anyone.  All it took was a charismatic, twisted, insane
leader like Big John telling them "re-orient her" and they followed
unquestioning-ly.  Be your own people, guys, not someone elses for once.
  I know some people like to say "Himeko you are totally insane, you should
get some help", but if you ask me the one who needs help is the one who spends
his life sitting in a vault 28 floors underground watching the girl/prisoner
to make sure she doesn't escape.
  I was always wondering where those network losers played from, I'd never
have guessed it was from a vault 28 floors underground.  
  Pitiful, downright pitiful I tell you.  Big John's gone, guys.  Learn to
live with it and reclaim your own lives already.
  Best of Luck in your struggles - H. and A.
