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Library: Mekrol The Valar meets Ragg at sea


Author: rhoads
Date:Apr 8 2014

  Once upon a time Mekrol the Valar was sitting on a shore of an ocean
pondering, when he heard a cry of help. 'Save our souls!' the wind carried
the words to him. Using his keen eyesight he spotted a sinking ship some
distance away on the water. Flying over the water he hurried towards the
ship and cried out to the surviving crew members who were floating in the
icy water of the cold and bitter winter sea.
  Arthur, the captain of the War Galleon Wilye could be seen standing on
deck with Ragg, his first mate. They were shivering in the icy gale of the
winter and it seemed to Mekrol that the captain was going to go down with
his ship. Ragg the first mate was trying to convince Arthur that it would
be wiser to leave the ship and try swimming to the shore.
  Sinking quite slowly, the creaking ship started to pull several of the crew
members towards it and a watery grave. Acting fast, Mekrol pulled the nearest
of them to safety and turned to Arthur and Ragg. 'Fools, jump overboard now!'
he bellowed. Ragg turned from Arthur to Mekrol and answered: 'The captain is
too stubborn, he wants to go down with his ship!' while Arthur only growled
and cast a gaze of pure hatred towards Mekrol.
  'Begone! Leave me -' Arthur tried to shout but at that moment a massive
wave crashed onto the deck and drowned his words. After the wave had passed
only Arthur was standing on the deck, clinging to the helm. Mekrol spotted
Ragg on the other side of the ship and quickly helped him away from the deadly
pull of it.
  As Mekrol touched Ragg's hand he felt strange. Ragg seemed to be emitting
something magical through a mere touch. 'Thank you!' Ragg shouted while Mekrol
was pulling him towards the shore.
  After most of the crew members and Ragg had been pulled to the shore, Mekrol
took Ragg's hand again and pulled him away from the fire the crew members had
started. 'I feel... something strange in you...' Mekrol said to Ragg in a
hoarse whisper. 'I feel that you should count yourself lucky for surviving -
wait a minute!' Mekrol interrupted himself because he had noticed that Ragg
had already dried and warmed up while the other crew members were still
shivering and wet as drowned rats.
  'You...' Mekrol said 'must be one of us without realising it!' Ragg only
looked stunned and nodded in silence. After a while, he started grinning
like a madman.
