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Library: Tale of Logi


Author: tuppi
Date:Mar 6 2016

Long, long time ago. There was a warrior named Logi.
He was just what you might expect from a warrior, weapons in hands, some
armours on and will to fight. One day while Logi was slaying some pigglets
near the pigfarm, an old man arrives from the woods. Logi was just killed
everything from the farm and starts making a fire for a camp. A man named
Gungalf walks in and asked if he would let him to come to camp, warm a bit and
eat some of his food. Logi nogged to Gungalf and start to prepare some pork
from pigglets he killed earlier. After a good meal Gungalf asks Logi if he
would like to hear a secret. Logi had his doubts, but nogged again. Gungalf
told him that he heard a rumours about a scroll that grants a wish and knows
the location of it. Logi asks Gungalf if he really believe in such a thing?
Gungalf said to Logi that it might be a rumour, but he had once found one and
it brought him wealthy and riches. After a moment, Logi said to Gungalf that
let him hear the story and see it himself if it's really a true or not.
Gungalf told Logi that the scroll could be found from the town, hidden in a
lamp post. Logi laughed a while, hops on his horse and rides to nearest town.
In a the town he examines some of the lamps and after a while starts kicking
the posts. A city guard arrived to Logi and asked him what the heck was he
doing, kicking lamps like that? Logi said that he heard a rumour from an old
man that there might be a hidden treasure in lamps. A guard then laughed to
Logi and said there is a tavern close by where he should go and grab himself a
beer or two and take a good sleep. After a guard leaves, Logi starts kicking
the lamps again and there it was! An old ripped scroll, drops from the lamp to
the gound. Logi couldn't believe his eyes and quickly picked the scroll. But a
man, in shiny armours had already seen what happened and walks to Logi. Young
stranger, do you know what you just found? man asks. Logi didn't answer, just
hides the scroll under his shirt. But for sure, that man already knows what
that scroll is and asks Logi if he would like to sell it for 
a good price? Logi asks what would he like to offer him? a Man said anything
you like! gold, castle, weapons, armours, anything you need or desire! After a
moment, Logi looks at his swords and clothes and says that he would like to
have a couple of really shard swords, some nice armours, gold and a glorious
horse. After all, logi was a warrior and had little needs for such a piece of
paper. A man than says to Logi to go to the nearest tavern, have nice meal and
met him outside later that day. Logi went to the tavern, eats, drinks and
after an hour or few, he goes to out to wait that man in shiny armours. A bit
later a man arrives with two horses and the second horse had big sidepacks on
it, full of stuff. A man hops down from a horse and walks to Logi, here is all
your stuff what you asked, said a man. Logi walks close to horse and check the
packs, there was huge amount of gold, two swords, some new shiny armours like
a real knights have. Yes YES! he thinks. He takes out the scroll from his
sleeve and gives the scroll to a man. A man quickly hops on his horse and
rides away. Logi takes his new horse behind the tavern. He drops down his old
rusty swords, strips down his old cloths and wear his new shiny armour and
wields his new sharp swords. After Logis transform was done, he hops on his
new horse and rides out from the town and yells, now it's time hunt some
trolls! He than took his horse to place called a troll cave, rumours tells
that place was full of all kind of trolls, big and smalls. There was also a
reward from trolls heads and it seems to be a good way to get more that
glorious gold. Logi was way too eager to venture depts of cave and quickly
noticed that some of trolls was way too big to handle byself, specially one.
He had to come out and head back to town, look for more adventurers with same
fighting will which Logi had. Logi remembered that when he was eating and
drinking at the tarvern, he noticed a hooded guy in a corner who kept looking
at him. Logi went straight in that same tavern where he had h
is meal earlier and yes, the same guy was still sitting there in a corner.
Logi ordered two beers and walks in the same table with the hooded guy. Logi
asked a stranger if he would like to have a beer and quick talk with him. A
stranger quickly takes his hood away and Logi noticed that he was not a he,
but she! A beatiful elf with golden hair. No, i don't drink beer, it's just
there for a look, said an elf. My name is Celestia. What is that you wanted to
talk about? she asked. Logi starts explaining why he came back to town, but
for some reason he was stuttering some of his words. Celestia laughed at Logi.
Sure, I can join your small trollhunt, I'm also very good with healing and I
know some other useful magical abilities, Celestia said. Logi was thrilled and
asked Celestia if they go right now and try out those trolls he was after.
Relax my brave warrior, we are not in a rush said Celestia. Logi was not
happy, but they still rest the night there and made some plans for the next
day. Right when the sun start rising, Logi was already had his meal and was
ready to go. Celestia walked down, she had beatiful green robe, knobbed staff
and a crown on her head. Wow! Logi said. Celestia smiled and said, yes this is
my real outfit, I only use my other clothes just to hide my real identity.
Logi and Celestia headed out together and he asked Celestia if she want's to
come and ride with him. Celestia shaked her head, made a loud whistle and a
moment later, there was a white horse with a huge angel like wings. Logi was
stunned. Where did you get that? he asked. Celestia giggled and said, Well I
told I had some useful magical abilitis, this is one on those. They both
climbs on Celestia's horse and off it goes. Just a minutes later they were
already at the troll cave. Here we are Celestia said and climbs down, Logi
followed. He said to her that there was one really mean troll in that cave and
he already had a battle with it, but had to flee. Don't you worry, Celestia
said. She raised her staff and mumbled something. A seconds l
ater, they both had some kind of odd glow around them and Celestia pointed the
cave entrance. Logi went first and told Celestia to stay behind him. They
finally made it to the back of the cave and there is was, a HUGE troll
sleeping near a half eaten horse. Now is our chance Logi said, and Celestia
quickly nogs back to him. Epic battle went off, blood spilled both from Logi
and the troll sparks flies from Celestias staff. Celestia kept mumbling some
odd words and Logis wounds just kept quickly healing. The troll yelled
something just before falling down on the ground. Logi quickly cut's the
trolls head off and said Celestia that they should hurry out. The troll made
it's last attempt and yelled some help. They quickly runned out from a cave
and made camp close to woods which was near the cave. After Logi made a
campfire, he went to near one bush and starts searching it. A moment later he
came back to camp with a sack on his shoulder. Here! There is our future he
said to Celestia. a Sack full of trolls heads. Yak! Celestia said. They rested
the night there and at the next morning, they headed a house, not too far
away. There was a sign over the door 'Trolls, no more!', it was a place where
you could bring trolls head and exchange them to a gold. Inside the house,
behind a big desc is sitting a big, muscular barbarian. Yes, yes! More trolls
heads! barbarian said. Logi throwed the sack on a table and barbarian started
counting some gold, lots of it. There you go, big catch, barbarian said and he
takes the sack to other room. Logi and Celestia headed out, he than asked
Celestia if she had any further plans. Celestia shaked her head and asked Logi
if they leave together. Logi quickly hugged Celestia and said, yes we should
definetly stick together. They made a lots of similar missions, killed
bandits, saved farmers from a group of orcs and so on. But now they had the
gold, weapons, armours, what else they would need? One day while they were
flying, Logi asked Celestia if she still wants just keep killing things or wou
ld she like to settle down and see what life brings along. Celestia plushed,
yes I'm been waiting you to ask that question. Logi laughed and then quickly
pointed down, there! There it's, take us down. They landed near to the pigfarm
Logi was left originally. This is where i started, this is where all started.
He quickly scanned the area and noticed a small tent under a big tree. They
walk close to it and there was a man sleeping. I know this guy! said Logi. He
poked a guy on a leg and yelled Gungalf! A man wakes up and noticed Logi and
his new weapons and armours. Gungalf said, I think you find what you was
looking for in that town. Logi nogged and thanked Gungalf. I managed to find
that scroll, traded it to awesome gear and also found her, Logi pointed
Celestia. Gungalf eyes Celestia quickly and says, this must be even better
than your gear you got from that scroll. Logi nogged back to Gungalf. We
finally thought if we should start building a home to settle down, all this
killing and stuff is starting to bore, Logi said. Gungalf pointed woods, come
and see what i'm been doing here while you were gone. Gungalf took them to the
wood line and they see a nice little house, i made that, Gungalf said. It was
small, but still a nice little house, room for both Logi and Celestia. Logi
whispered something to Celestia and then to Gungalf. Maybe we should make
somekind of a deal, asked Logi. Gungalf said, yes that might be a possible,
I'm already getting bored to just rest all my days in a tent. Logi offered his
gear to Gungalf to trade for a house. Gungalf smiled, yes!, it might be my
turn to go adventure again he said. Gear quickly changed the owner and
everyone were happy. Gungalf weared his new gear and waved goodbye, I promise
I will come to see you guys later, he said. After he was gone, Logi asked
Celestia if she were now happy too, they got a house and finally able to
settled in for good. Celestia plushed and took Logis hand and pulled him
quickly inside a house. Curtains on windows were closed and rest is a histor
The End. or is it?!
