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Library: Imacheater


Author: Capula
Date:Sep 22 2001

This is a true story and I will tell it as well
as possible, from knowledge of parts that I know.
You know, Evil John wasnt always evil. Long before
your time there were nice king called Elvis.
Who was from Tallahassee, Tennessee. But the main
point of story is that You never know what lurks
behind you. It might be me or not me, thats the
problem. You wouldnt be so surprised if you knew
that I never exixted or otherwise materialised.
Until now, now its time to reveal your face
and turn down your wrongmakers. Even they were
few, one of them was so SO POWERFUL that even
mightiest of the nuns couldnt resist him. But
He had one weakness which only he knew and had
promised to himself never to reveal it. Years
went by and he grew older knowing all the time
that his destiny was behind him. Then it came
like thundering lions tore him to pieces. And
that moment lions knew what was his weakness.
