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Library: Kalern, his travels and adventures


Author: Kalern
Date:Aug 21 2002

day one  i wake up in the morning (about 11:50am) and prepare my self for yet
another boring day of being un employed. i start to remeinisc about the good
times ive had in the army and all that good stuff, the rapelling, the
parachuting, the rifle work, the camoflage, the rage of having to to do stupid
ass thing. Ahhh! those were the good ol days. i was the shit in the army (
U.S. Army that is) i worked in military intelegence and had a top secret
security clearance. trusted by the best of the best of the BEST. now i am once
again staying with my mom (egad a 20 year old man staying with his mom, what a
luser) and looking for a job ( any offers send to, i
am willing to move and can work any time at all, any shift at all) well on to
my life. i eat "breakfast' and proceed to shower get changed an go up to a pal
of mines hous to get on my laptop and play batmud (wich is cool) then i end up
crashing at his house for about 6 hours, wake up go to my house get in my bed
go to sleep and do it all over again i wake up in the morning (about 11:50am)
and prepare my self for yet another boring day of being un employed. i start
to remeinisc about the good times ive had in the army and all that good stuff,
the rapelling, the parachuting, the rifle work, the camoflage, the rage of
having to to do stupid ass thing. Ahhh! those were the good ol days. i was the
shit in the army ( U.S. Army that is) i worked in military intelegence and had
a top secret security clearance. trusted by the best of the best of the BEST.
now i am once again staying with my mom (egad a 20 year old man staying with
his mom, what a luser) and looking for a job ( any offers send to, i am willing to move and can work any time at all,
any shift at all) well on to my life. i eat "breakfast' and proceed to shower
get changed an go up to a pal of mines hous to get on my laptop and play
batmud (wich is cool) then i end up crashing at his house for about 6 hours,
wake up go to my house get in my bed go to sleep and do it all over again look
i wake up in the morning (about 11:50am) and prepare my self for yet another
boring day of being un employed. i start to remeinisc about the good times ive
had in the army and all that good stuff, the rapelling, the parachuting, the
rifle work, the camoflage, the rage of having to to do stupid ass thing. Ahhh!
those were the good ol days.  i wake up in the morning (about 11:50am) and
prepare my self for yet another boring day of being un employed. i start to
remeinisc about the good times ive had in the army and all that good stuff,
the rapelling, the parachuting, the rifle work, the camoflage, the rage of
having to to do stupid ass thing. Ahhh! those were the good ol days.  l
