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Library: KanniaalioLegends Vol I


Author: Caitline
Date:Aug 21 2002

So, being one of the leaders of the (in)famous kanniaalio-society, and since
becoming a real kanniaalio, it is usually asked that the novice presents some
sort of a story to prove his kanniaalioysness - to enter this fine society. So
it is only fair to tell one tale about myself as well. Of course I have been
involved in many things, have set a house on fire while washing dishes etc...
but here's one story nevertheless. This happened years ago, there was this
house warming party at my ex-girlfriend's place. Fimir and Anakin were also
there (Anakin actually started mudding after that day), and Anakin's

The party went normally and we were having a good time, we drank beer and
played different games. After several hours we were having a really good time,
and as almost everyone knows, when you drink a lot of beer eventually you have
to go to the toilet. This happened also to me, I went into the toilet and
locked the door. But after I was done, the door wouldn't open. The lock was
somehow jammed, so I couldn't get out. I asked that if I just kicked the door
down (since it was just a normal toilet door, and probably wouldn't have
resisted much). My ex was furious about this, and she was quite concerned
because she had just moved in a day before, and now we were already breaking
things. But then the situation became a little bit complicated, as my ex also
didn't have any kinds of tools (girls rarely do, at their first apartment). So
I sat down on the floor...

So there I was, trapped in the toilet, couldn't break the door and the people
on the other side couldn't pick the lock... so we sent Fimir to call the
maintenance man, who probably should have some tools to open the door, or at
least understand why it might have to be broken. Only problem with this was
that we sent another kanniaalio totally drunk to do a complicated task like
this. So what was the result then, you might ask? Meanwhile, I have slept in
the toilet because of the boredom and the pitiful attempts to open the door,
so I woke up when someone BANGED on the door and said 'This is the fireman, is
everything OK there? We might have to break this door!' I was really scared
and first 

So there I was,trapped in the toilet,couldnt break the door,or the people on
the other side couldnt pick the lock... So we sent Fimir to call the
maintenance man,who probably should have some tools to open the door,or at
least understand why it might have to broke. Only problem with this was that
we send another kanniaalio doing totally drunk doing a complete task like
this. So what was the result then you may ask? Well,meanwhile I have slept in
the closet,from boredom and pitiful attempts to open the door,so I woke when
someone BANGED on the door and said : "This is the fireman,is there everything
ok? Since we might have to break this door!" I was really scared and first
unable to say a word, nor did I understand what was happening. Then the
fireman continued and said that there were more rescue cars arriving. Soon as
the real situation cleared to the firemen, they cancelled the ambulance and
other two incoming patrols. When Fimir was talking to the landlord, he had
understood only that one guy was locked in the toilet and couldn't get out,and
had concluded from this that I was attempting suicide... so he called the
rescue team. And as if this was not humiliating enough, one of the volunteers
in the fire department was on the same class with me at school,so there was no
hope trying to hide what had happened. 

So next time if I break your door at your party, please forgive me, there
surely is a good reason for that. But hey, ability to laugh at yourself is a
gift, and it makes the world a bit better place, at least funnier to yourself.

Yours, Caitline Lapiomurhaja
