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Library: Piikihen and general neko-henshin-nin info


Author: Pirotessa
Date:Jan 3 1997

Now that this person is gone from here, I can write an actual book about it.

Many people have asked about this, so rather than explain to each seperately,
I'm writing this book.  Don't think I'm mean or I don't want to tell you about
Piiki, this is just to save my time.

Classical/Literature:  Henge have a minor role in certain classical
literature.  If I remember, the main henge myth was about a boy who saved a
crane one day.  Later, he got married to a girl.  She was rather secretive and
never wanted him to see her bathe.  The boy wondered why, and one day he
barged in on her bathing, only to find the white crane he'd rescued before. 
With her secret revealed, the henge flew away and was never seen again.  The
boy got very upset.  Classically, henge have also been racoons, or foxes,
other generally friendly, curious, and generally nonthreatening (to us)

Other Myths:  Certain other myths about how henge "come to be" exist.  They
range from possesion to beastiality to "supernatural".  These myths are things
like that henge are "fearie"/"seelie"/"sidhe"/... changelings, that henge are
the product of mating between a human and an appropiate animal, that a child
that dies during pregnancy will sometimes become possesed or "inhabited" by an
animal spirit (out of sorrow?), that they are the result of
radioactive/genetic experiments, and so on.

Western Literature:  The "were-beast", described by more western literature,
has nothing to do with henge, mythically or in reality.

Henge tend to be generally domesticated and "lovable"/"cute" animals, such as
foxes, domesticated cats, doves.  They tend to be rather shy but generally
friendly.  Why, or how they "become" or change is not known.  Their exact
lifespan, mating habits, intelligence potential, and such are also not known. 
In all, not much real information is known.

Henge have a stable animal form, but not set nin/human form.  They are not
classical "shapechangers", however, in that they can imitate a specific human
form, it more changes with their feelings/needs.  However, children, or
childish forms are common.  

For henge, change is instant.  When feeling excesively emotional, they might
suddenly transform back to their animal form.  They also might become human if
attacked in animal form as a means of defense.  

In general, Henge should be treated like children.  Though secretive, they are
generally well-meaning, and while they do sometimes have a strange sense of
values will enjoy the same things children do.  They get along very well with
non-abusive children.  Abuse can cause henge to become introverted and such,
and eventually progress toward a total withdrawl from humanity (as in Piiki's

I will try to discuss the differences now, between how you should treat a
child and a henge.

Nutrition:  Henge should eat what their animal eats normally, even in human
form.  A cat henge should stay away from vegetables and eat only meat.  Also,
henge do not drink much water like people do.  They also should get a great
deal of physical exercise.  

Identity:  Henge should not be encouraged to always change into the same human
form.  It is best for henge to "exercise" this ability to shift their human
forms.  Do not encourage them to become (in general) a certain sex/race/... 
The exception is age, most henge are going to only become younger humans.

Physical:  Henge are extremely agile, but not quite as strong as humans. Male
contact sports are a no-no. Running, rough-housing, tag, hide-and-seek are
fine, but no boxing, football (rugby, not soccer), wrestling, or such.

Behavior:  Henge behavior is generally more survival-driven than human.  Henge
also have little or no inhibition in general, and are generall self-motivated.
They do not perceive things as "gross" or "sick" that ordinary people do.  For
instance, they will eat whole/live food (birds/fish).  Being extremely
self-driven and sufficient, they will sometimes leave (and later return) for
days on end.  Other "strange" or "socially unacceptable" habits include
general lack of clothing, strange sleep patterns, ruthlessness/cruelty to
certain animals.

Intelligence:  Though sentient, henge mental capacity is generally below that
of a human.  Henge have the potential for human-like reasoning, but also have
short attention spans, and are overly instinct driven. Their secretive nature
also generally inhibits social interaction.

Instinct:  If startled, they become extremely hostile.  Likewise, when
becoming emotional, they will sometimes quickly change back to their animal
form. Some are natural hunters and predators.

Social:  Generally quite withdrawn.  Some henge can become vicious, and many
have a strange and cruel "sense of humor".  

Entertainment:  Henge do not find typical human things very interesting.  For
instance, watching TV, partying and drinking, smoking, or listening to music
is of no fun to them.   Tactile toys such as dolls, playpens, building blocks
are liked.  For physical play, see above.
