Author: Erwain
Date:Feb 13 2002
The story about a bard
is a grim tale to tell
was he plain unlucky or struck by a Narsil Shard
in his first performance he fell
Arms flailing in the air
It really didnt seem fair
A dance performance he had planned
A mighty display of talent and skill
the kind of which people get hailed and fanned
One, which would show his grace and the might of his will
This shows that things don't always go according to plan
Ni matter if you do the best you can
People came far and near
To see the show advertised so well
Their dissappointment, I fear
The poor Bard so wished the show would sell
So when he hit the stage was he struck
By a stage fright, hard as a truck
For a long time he could not move
Before he could get back to the groove
poeple yelled in rage
get that Fool of the stage
With all possible vegetables was he hit
And hurt him plenty they really did
After the few first hits
He decided that dance he will
No matter what they did
Gathering the rest of his strenght and force of will
He picked up pace from where he left it
And bravely finished his dance even with the throwing of shit
After the performance was the Bard exhausted
Feeling of humiliation was overwhelming
His career as an entertainer had ended
He couldnt make himself to dance or sing
He left though the back door
Never to show his face there no more
Thus the title Worst Bard Ever
Had stuck to the poor Bard forever