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Library: SK sewers by Zarman


Author: Shardik
Date:Mar 11 2001

This is a performance by Zarman for the Bard Guild levelquest.
Figured I create a book of it because I liked it a lot.
%Zarman says 'Greetings my friends, today i shall regail you with a tale from
the distant past of this great land, back before the
last great cataclysm.'
%Zarman says 'Originally this great land was populated with a single city
called bat.'
%Zarman says 'It came to pass that a group of men who followed the teachings
of the immortal Amarth built up a second city far,
far to the east of bat, and this city they named Shadowkeep.'
%Zarman says 'This city always held some mystery to it as there were manhole
covers located here and there thoughout the city that
not even the mightiest warrior could budge.'
%Zarman says 'Time went by, however, and these were slowly forgotten.'
%Zarman says 'One day a wondrous occurrence happened though in that city. One
manhole cover in the northeast of the city began to
%Zarman :           The manhole cover shimmers in the darkness, and slowly
fades away to dullness again
%Zarman says 'The glow did not last long and soon faded back to dullness. It
was apparent though that something new had entered
%Zarman says 'The powerful dventurers of the world gathered and decided to
explore this manhole cover. And Lo! they were able to
open it!'
%Zarman says 'As they tried to climb down to the darkness that resided
%Zarman :           Suddenly as they tried to enter the manhole, a huge GUST
of wind buffets them and lifts you them away from the
%Zarman says 'They tried every power they knew and magic they possessed, but
naught they did would gain them passage through the
wind. Finally they gave up and declared the entrance impossible to enter.'
%Zarman says 'Finally some brave but inexperienced adventurers decided to
attempt the entry, and much to their surprise the
magical wind did not touch them as the entered the darkness below the manhole
%Zarman :           Drip, drip, drip, drip.
%Zarman says 'At the bottom of the ladder, they dicovered an entrance into a
very dark area and a long hall that led towards a
light source.'
%Zarman says 'They decided to approach the lighted area first.'
%Zarman says 'As the came out of the tunnel they discovered several merchants
selling new wondrous and magical items.'
%Zarman says 'Old man, I will offer you 20000 pieces of gold for these magical
spectacles, what say you?'
%Zarman says 'The merchant replied, I care naught for you gold fool. The only
treasure we seek are medallions.'
%Zarman says 'Medallions, that stumped us, what was this senile old man
talking about.'
%Zarman says 'Old man, what medallions are you talking about?'
%Zarman says 'The merchant replied, The magicall medallions that we want you
can find in the other passageway at the entrance. Be
warned though, the current denizens consider the medallions there and will not
give them to you peaceably.'
%Zarman says 'This hardly seemed worth it, until we started looking at more
and more of the magic items he and the others offered.
There were unique items here that could be found no where else that would be
incredibly useful.'
%Zarman says 'So we discussed it among ourselves and decided to explore this
area of medallions.'
%Zarman says 'We trepidly approached the dark, forboding entrace, gathered out
resolve and stepped through.'
%Zarman says 'We entered into what had to be the sewers for the city. It
smelled awful and the things we were stepping in were
%Zarman :           splash, swish, swish, swish,swish
%Zarman says 'The first living thing we saw upon entry was a shady man just
kind of lurking in the corner.'
%Zarman says 'He did not say anything or move towards us, so we figured him a
beggar and let him be.'
%Zarman says 'We discussed the next possible route amongst ourselves when I
caught a gleam of light from the corner of my eye.'
%Zarman :           Thief stabs you in the back with a dagger.
%Zarman :           ... And stabs you again!
%Zarman :               ... And stabs you a third time!!
%Zarman says 'The man had attacked our wizard! and after the third stab he
crumped into a heap of blood and robes.'
%Zarman says 'With a cry of anger and outrage we attacked the shadowy man, and
after but a few slashes of our swords he died.'
%Zarman says 'Our poor wizard, though, had paid the ultimate price and his
ghost was already wandering the lands in search of a
great cleric to buy him passage back into our realm.'
%Zarman says 'We looted the body of this thief and behold, we found several of
the mystical medallions the merchants told us
%Zarman :                     *
%Zarman :                     *
%Zarman :                     *
%Zarman :                     *
%Zarman :                     *
%Zarman :                 **********
%Zarman :                *          *
%Zarman :               *            *
%Zarman :              *     *  *     *
%Zarman :              *     * *      *
%Zarman :              *     ***      *
%Zarman :              *     * *      *
%Zarman :               *    *  *     *
%Zarman :                *          *
%Zarman :                 **********
%Zarman :
%Zarman says 'So this is what it will take to buy those magical goods,
slaughter and death.'
%Zarman says 'Well then, so be it, we shall wage war upon the denizens of this
abode until they fear the fight of us.'
%Zarman says 'And we shall gather these medallions and fortunes and gain
%Zarman says 'But no more will be turn a blind eye to those denizens who seem
peaceful, we shall slay these shady men on sight.'
%Zarman says 'And so the great plundering of the shadowkeep sewers began.'
%Zarman says 'The group of adventurers became more and more powerful until
they virtually ruled the sewers.'
%Zarman says 'It continued thus for a long time.... until a powerful warlock
devised a way to get past the barred entrance through
devious means and plundered the sewers and merchants.'
%Zarman says 'But that, as we say, is another story.'
%Zarman says 'Thank You, for your attentive ears my friends'
