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Library: Story of Patze


Author: Patze
Date:Sep 4 2001

I started mudding in late -98, and still keep mudding, sometimes I mud,
sometimes I dont mud, hey cant help it, thats just the way it is. MUDMUD. I
have never before countered as good multiuser/internet games as batmud. It
doesn't have grapshics but it surely have "substance". Ok to the story...
Patze was very small newbie in christmas -98 playing batmud at TTKK in
Hervanta. (we usually got kicked out from TTKK coz we didnt have student cards
:/..). Well my first 1m of exp i got when i was in ranger guild (rocking
newbie guild btw) then i reinced to 5m tarma (slut with HUGE s) i got dragged
around for exp :). When i hade 8m i took reink again to to loc, loc was neat
guild, blade was cool! mmkayy. than i re reinced to loc, as TINMEN, tinmens
are rather good race for loc. from 8m to 21m i was loc and in that period i
got my blade divine make and awesome enchantment with 15k corpses :) well now
i thought that barbarian would rock, so i bought 2x templar maces which im
wielding right now :) and reinced to mace barbarian, (barbarians rok btw,
mmkaay). I doubt that il reinc from barbarian guild for a looooong time.. end
of my story, for now...
                             - By: Patze -
