Author: Ran
Date:Oct 21 1997
One weekend I climbed atop a building
and looked down-
From here, the city looks
like a checkerboard.
Don't think I'm strange,
it makes me feel upset inside.
A girl understands
what is hapening.
If I made it snow
wouldn't that be nice?
If I could decide-
I laid my cheek on an icicle
and hoped - even though
The city looked still
and asleep.
Once you stop crying
things will change.
When you're happy, think of me-
A girl understands
what is happening.
Tommorow is just after today.
Clouds eventually become rain.
I do what I can
whether I like it or not.
Even from here
everything looks alike.
A girl understands
what happens.
If I made it snow
wouldn't that be great?
Can I decide?