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Library: The Batcity Map, A Reference.


Author: Yari
Date:Nov 2 1995

It has been called to my attention that some terminals cannot view
the map.  So, I created this, perhaps it can help those unfortunates.

   A              |       AA                     Welcome TO BatCITY
+-----+-----+-----=-----+--+--bazalt+           +------------------+
|B C D|E F G|H    |     |BB   |     |  Advent Gu.8   Internet..6   Sewers....0
|  I  |  J  |     |     | CC  |     |  Alchem Gu.2   Library  .LI  Sewing Sh.S
+-----+-----+--+  |  +--+-----granite  Alchemy...Y   Lottery...T   Shops.....R
|  K L|M N O|P    |     |     |     |  Archers...U   Lux Armor.I Souvenirs.DD
|  Q  |  R  |  S  |     |  DD |     |  Arena.....GG  Lux Weapo.K   SwimPool.OO
+-----+-----+--+  |  +--0-----marble+  Armour Sh.N   Magic Sho.G   Tinker Sh.W
|  T U|  V W|X Y  |     |   EE|FF   |  Armor Rep.A   Mayors....II  Tobacco...X
|                 |                 |  Art Galle.KK  Mages Gui.NN  TP Exchge.D
=-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+stone=  Bakery....CC  Magic Rm..9   VaxMuseu.LL
| GG  |    1|2 3  |                    Bank......Q   Messengrs.1  Voting..MM
m     |     |     |  NN |    m|     |  Candy.....B   News Hall.5   Wand Shop.J
a-----+-----+-----+  +--+----a+ruby-+  Chin Armr.H   Office....QQ  Weapon Sh.O
pHH   o KK 4|5 6  |     |    h|     |  Church....7   Police....JJ Whorehou.BB
l II  a LL  |  9  |     |    o|     b  Club......AA  Post Offi.4    .-------.
e--+--k-----p-----w  +--+----g+onyx-i  Fireworks.F   Presents..V    |_|/|___|
  JJ    MM 7i8    o  OO e    a|     r  Gambling..PP  Rat Colle.FF   |///////|
            n     o  PP l    n|QQ LIc  Gem Shop..P   Reavers...3    `|/|  /'
            e-----d-----m----y+jade-h  Gen Shop..M   Rent Hall.E      `---'
                  |                    Gridwars..HH  Restauran.C    -- JAckAL/
                                       Hospital..EE  Ring Shop.L      Xyloid

I had to modify slightly to fit the book line format, but
this should help.

