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Library: The canadian seasons - Texas will never understand


Author: Martin
Date:Nov 2 1995

   I once went to Florida and was astonished to hear what some people had to
say down there.  I found out that canadians (like myself) live all year long
in snow and cold.    We get around on snowmobiles (our grandfathers used
dogsleighs)nd that our~ native people inhabit igloos (actually, today  canada
is welfare country - come to Cana    da if you wanna make money and not have
to work - I will pay for it - the working class) and we never see a real hot
summer!  Well, GET IT STRAIGHT!  We have four ~ seasons and the summer can
bring tempatures  between 90 -120 degrees that bout 30 - 35 degrees celcius. 
We have cars and pools.  We do not all speak french like some hapen to think. 
There is no such thing as igloos anymore or much less. :)** ##
