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Library: The Evolution of the axe.


Author: Chra
Date:Nov 2 1995

                        Evolution of the axe
    Interesting stuff you learngoing thought books at the library.  I was
loking up about weapons and I felt it woul dbe nice to share it with you.
    In the beginning animals used their natural weapons; claws, teeth and
or pure strength.  Soem have diseases or poison to enhance their effect.
    Man wanted to protect themselves from these beasts.  Compared to other
life on this planet, their natural weapons didn't compare.
    Thousands upon thousands of years ago, a neanderthal, one day, picked
up a large bone.  the neanderthal lifted it up and swung it.  It accidently
hit a skill and shattered it.  The neanderthal was quite impressed.  the
discovery of weapons was at hand.
    Many many years later their brains (They evolved a little past the TTY
stage).  They figured if you bound a rock ot the bone using vines or reeds,
the extra weight caused the bone to hit harder.
    After a time of use, the rock on the bone chipped a bit. Occasionally
the rock fored a sharp edge.  the neanderthal was quite impressed a the
result.  he apprently showed it to many of hus friends until the sharpened
rock finally shattered.  They experiemented for a while until finally the
found that if you broke the rock against another rock.   It had a good
chance of making shards good enough to make a weapon out of.  They found
this weapon superior.  They went out on hunts with it.
    Because they were required to get very near the animal, they still
ended up with casualties.  They tried to make the weapons bigger.   They
found some big bones, but were very rare.
    A brillant neanderthal who was still fiddling around in the club era
foud that tree brances werre goofd as bone and coul dbe sized to differnt
lengths without weakening it; unlike the bone (he evolved to the 8088).
    This neanderthal showed the other neanderthals how to make the new 
weapon by binding the sharp rock ot the stick.  These neanderthals were so
impressed that they used it on him and were pleased with the results.
(They evolved to the 8086).  Now with the sharp rocks and long wooden
sticks, they were comming back with fewer casualties.
    During this, they learned about fire.  Some properties like warmth on a
cold night.  They also found red flecked rocks, If they placed them inot
the fire, the rocks retained the heat of the fire all night. The rocks were
iron ore.
    Many many years passed.  They were starting to learn that if metal is
heated; it melts and creates interesting shapes beneith the fire.  One
brillant human (evolved to the 8186) found that if you attached the metal
clump onto the end of the stick, you ended up with a weapon that the head
lasted longer than the stick.  He showed it to his friends.  They thought
that it was devolutionizing them back to the clubs.  So they challenged him
with their stone axes.  He lost and the idea wasn't heard from again.
   A brillant man (well a bit more brillant than the iron club person)
developed the iron club a few stages beyond to form the iron axe.  He and
his friends melted ore in a crucible above a flame then poured the metal
into a mold, after which they cooled it down by quenching water over it and
then started to shape the metal and sharpen it several times.  After the
head was complete they attached it to the wooden shaft with some resin.
Which his ideals were based on the predisessor  (he evolved to the 286).  
Years passed and he brough some of his friends (the others who were still 
usingthe stone axes) and showed them the iron axe.  They of course
challenged him.  The ones with the iron axes prevailed and then became the
standard and wide spread.
    The axe handles still broke quite often with the wooden handles.
Someone thoiugth about makign the solid iron axe in which the handle was
also metal.  The people were impressed at this.  (this person evolved into
the 386).  In the beginning the people felt it was good but it hurt alot if
you struck solid ground opposed to hitting soft meat.  The energy travelled
through the bar into their hands.  Some people evolved into the solid iron
axes.  Others stuck withtheir reliable, easily handling iron axes.
Evneutally when the iron axe's kept getting their handles broken, they
evolved to the solid iron axe.
    Someone out there thought about taking the advantages of the iron
axe and the advantages of the solid iron axe.  This person came up with a
wooden handle and iron core.  It wasn't as hard hitting as the solid iron
axe because metal handle of the metal handle of the solid iron axe needed
to be shaved off to a thin rod in which it was placed in a cored piece of
wood, held in by resin.  The axe was cheaper to make because it required
less metal.  It had similiar feel to the wooden handled axe, but better.
(this person helped people evolve to 8386sx).  People liked this, so alot
followed that trend of the iron cored axes.  Time passes and people
continually try to build upon the ideas of the stone axe, adding some
projections which helped with stabbing.  People were advancing as fast as
these new and improved axes came out.
    A real advancement came about with the solid iron axe in which they
extended the handle and put another axe blade on the other end.  this is
what htey called the great axe (they evolved to the 8386DX2).  It was all
the solid iron axe had, but with added power.  Throughout all the time they
improved the manufacturing of these weapons.
    The discovery of rubber lead them into another advancement.  They
applied it to the great axe and it was all the comfort of the iron core
axes and the power of the great axe (They evolved to 8486DX2).  There were
attempts ot put wood onto the great axe but wasn't too popular (these
people evolved to 8486sx).
    Time passed for these people and technology grew with them.  These
people learned more about metalurgy and created more and more deadly axes
(they evolved to the 486DX4).
    One day these villagers felt they finally made the utimate axe using
composite matrials and other nifty things and felt they could take over the
lands (These people evolved into the pentium).  They took over many many
towns until they reached a village that was using long belt sticks as
apparently weapons.  They felt these towns folk were very devolutinized.
So they belived that they could defeat them, because they had more men and
far superior weapons.
    They charged in shouting their war songs and they felt they
miscalculated their chances of winning and were defeated by the people who
were developing the longbow... But that is another story.....
