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Library: Al Azif


Author: Ilskari
Date:Mar 27 2001

Concerning the Old Ones, it is written, they wait ever at the Gate. and the
Gate is all places at all times, for They know nothing of time or place but
are in all time and in all place together without appearing to be, and there
are those amongst Them which can assume diverse Shapes and Features and any
given Shape and any given Face and the Gates are for Them everywhere, but the
first. was that which I caused to be opened, namely in Irem, the City of
Pillars, the City under the Desert, but wherever men sayeth the forbidden
Words, they shall cause there a Gate to be established and shall wait upon
Them Who Come through the Gate, even as the Dhols, and the Abominable Mi-Go,
and the Tcho-Tcho people, and the Deep Ones, and the Gugs, and the Gaunts of
the Night and the Shoggoths and the Voormis, and the Shantaks which guard
Kadath in the Cold Waste and the Plateau of Leng. All are alike the Children
of the Elder Gods, but the Great Race of Yith and the Great Old Ones failing
to agree, one with another, and both with the Elder Gods, seperated, leaving
the Great Old Ones in possession of the Earth, while the Great Race, returning
from Yith took up Their Abode forward in Time in Earth-Land not yet known to
those who walk the Earth today, and there wait till there shall come again the
winds and the Voices which drove Them forth before and That which Walketh on
the Winds over the Earth and in the spaces that are among the Stars forever.
