Author: Daria
Date:Jan 3 2002
I am Isis. I came forth from the house placed me my brother Set in it.
Behold, said to me Thoth, the great one, chief of Maat in heaven and earth,
"Come, thou Isis, goddess, good to possess obedience; life one another. Hide
thyself with the son child, will happen these things, his limbs gow, he will
grow strong wholly, and he shall be made to rest upon the throne of his
father, he will obtain the dignity of price of the two lands." I came forth
at the season of evening, and came forth seven scorpions before me, the
continued with me at my side. Tefen and Befen were behind me, twice, Mestet
and Mestetef were near me, and Petet, and Thetet, and Maatet showed to me the
way. I cried out to them loudly, loudly, my word entered into their ears, as
in wise man a obedience is praiseworthy, disobedience as the mark of the son
of a man of low estate, "Let your faces be bent down on the way."
The leader of the company brought me to the swamps of Pasui, the city of the
two Sandal-goddesses at the beginning of the Papyrus Swamps. Having arrived
at Teb I came forth to the houses of the women of the governor. Had seen me
the chief woman on the march, she closed her doors upon me, she was angry in
her heart at those who were with me. They decreed about it they placed their
poison all at one time on the tail of Tefen. Opened to me a poor woman her
door, entered into her house.
Cunningly Tefen entered under the leaves of the door, smote she the son of the
noble lady, fire broke out in the house of the noble lady, not was water there
to quench it, not did heaven let fall its rain in the house of the lady, not
being it the season thereof. And behold, she who had not opened to me, her
heart sad not knowing if he lived. She went round through her city with
lamentation, not came at her call. My heart was sad about the child for her
sake, to revive without fault. I cried out to her, Come to me, twice. A
charm is my word having life. I am a daughter known in her city, who driveth
away evil by her utterance. Taught me my father to know. I am the daughter
beloved of his body. Laid Isis her hands upon the child to vivify that of
which had closed the throat.
O poison of Tefen, come, appear on the earth, not advance, not enter in. O
poison of Befent, come, appear on the earth. I am Isis the goddess, lady of
words of power, worker with words of power, mighty in utterance of speech.
Hearken to me, mouth every biteth, fall downwards. Poison of Mestet, not
advance, poison of Mestetef not rise up. Poison of Petet and Thetet not
enter. Maatet fall down. Chapter of stinging spake Isis, the goddess, the
great one of words of power, head of the gods.
Had given to her Seb his powers to repulse poison from her form, repulsing,
turning away, driving back, away back, poison at the dawn saying, "Ra-mer, the
Egg of the Goose, cometh forth from the sycamore. A protection her words
spoken at the season of evening. I speak to you. I am in the loneliness and
in sorrow greater than the people throughout the nomes, as a man feeble who
hath ceased to seek out and to look upon women in their houses. Your face
downwards, to make a way to the swamps, to the hidden places in Khebet." O
liveth the boy, dieth the poison liveth Ra, dieth the poison. Verily, healthy
be Horus for his mother Isis. Verily, healthy be he who is under the knife
also. The fire is extinguished, heaven is content at the utterance of Isis,
the goddess.
The lady came, had shut on me her house, she seized the house of the poor
woman because the poor woman had opened to me her door. Wherefore the lady
was in pain and sorrow during night one, she tasted her speech. Was stung her
son, was closed for her house in return for her not having opened to me. O
liveth the child, dieth the poison. Verily shall be sound Horus through his
mother Isis. Verily shall be sound he who is under the knife every one
likewise. Shall not bread of barley drive out poison? It shall return
through all the limbs the flame of hetchet and drive out the fire from the
members Isis. Twice. Come thou to Horus. Thou whose mouth is wise come thou
to thy son.
"Hail," say the gods in her neighborhood, like one whom has stung the scorpion
Tchart, whom hath pierced Behat, whom hath put to flight Antesh. Appeared
Isis as one who was wounded in her body. She stretched out her arms, I will
protect, twice, my son Horus. Fear not, twice, O son, my glory. Not shall
happen thing any evil unto thee. Seed is in thee for making things which are
to be. Thou art the son within Mesqet, proceeding from Nu, not shalt thou die
by the flame of the poison. Thou art the Bennu Great born on the incense
trees in the House of the Prince great in Annu. Thou art the brother of the
Abt Fish, the disposer of what is to be, nursed by the cat within the House of
Net. Rert, and Hat, and Bes, protect thy limbs. Not shall fall thy head
before him that is hostile to thee. Not shall conquer thy limbs the fire of
thy poison. Not shalt thou fall on the ground, not shalt thou be in peril on
water. Not shall have the mastery reptile any stinging over thee. Not shall
crush thee lion any be master over thee. Thou art the son of a god holy
proceeding from Seb. Thou art Horus, not shall have the mastery the poison in
thy limbs. Thou art the son of a god holy proceeding from Seb that is under
the knife likewise. The four holy goddesses protect thy limbs.
I am Isis, who conceived her male child, and was heavy with Horus. A goddess
I bore Horus, son of Osiris, within a nest of papyrus plants I rejoiced over
it greatly, twice, because I saw one who would answer for his father. I hid
him, I concealed him having fear of his being bitten. I went to the city Am,
saluted according to custom. I spent the time in seeking for the boy to make
his food. I returned to embrace Horus, I found him, Horus, the beautufil one
of gold, the boy, the child, he was nothing. He had bedewed the ground with
the water of his eye, and with the foam of his lips his body was motionless,
his heart still, not moved the muscles of his body. I sent forth a cry.
The dwellers int he swamp they came round me at once, came to me the fenmen
from their houses, they drew nigh to me at my call, they wept, even they, at
the greatness of my misery. There was none who opened his mouth there, man
every among them grieved greatly. There was none knowing there to make to
live. Came to me a woman well known in her city, a lady at the head of her
district. She came to me to restore life, her heart was filled with her
affairs according to wont. Twice. The son Horus in inactivity. Twice. The
son of the mother of the god was safe from the evil of his brother.
The plants were hidden, not could enter there an enemy into them. The word of
power of Tem fatehr of the gods, who is in heaven, was as the maker of life,
not entered Set into region this, not could he go about Kheb. Horus was
smitten by the wickedness of his brother. Not had she hidden those who were
in his service many time a day.
These concerning him, "Shall live Horus for hios mother?" they found where he
was, and a Scorpion stung him, and the slayer of the heart hath stabbed him.
Placed Isis her nose in his mouth to know if had breath he who was in his
coffin. She opened the wound of the heir divine, she found it possessing
poison. She embraced him hurriedly and leaped about with him like a fish laid
upon a fire Stung is Horus, O Ra, stung is thy son. Stung is Horus, heir of
heir, lord of Shu. Stung is Horus, the child of the papyrus swamp, the child
in Het-ser. Stung is the child beautiful of gold. The child, the babe, he is
nothing. Stung is Horus, son of Un-nefer.
Then came Nephthys weeping, she cried, going about the swamp, and Serqet,
What, twice, what then is to the child Horus, Isis? pray thou therefore to
heaven so that may come a stop to the sailors of Ra, not will travel the boat
of Ra from the son Horus from where he is. Sent forth Isis her cry to heaven,
her prayer to Boat of Millions of years. Stood still the disk at her coming,
not moved he on his seat.
Thoth came provided with his magic power, possessing command great of
maa-kheru. What, twice, Isis, goddess, mighty one, understanding her mouth,
not evil behold shall be to the son Horus, his protection is from the boat of
Ra. I have come today in the boat of the disk from its place of yesterday.
When the night cometh the light driveth away to heal Horus for his mother.
Isis person every who is under the knife likewise.