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Library: The story of Bluz, the young bard, part 1 and 2


Author: Blux
Date:Jun 10 2002

Part 1 - The story of Bluz, the young bard
Once upon a time there was a bard and his name was Bluz. As every young bard,
Bluz had to study songs and do quests in order to prove to be with of being
a member of the order of Bards.
Long did young Bluz wonder at first, from city to city, from inn to inn,
seeking songs and tales. Telling stories and singing he earned his daily meal
 and root
above his head.
After his first journey, Bluz came home, empowered with knowledge and answers
to questions Loremaster Typhos gave him before he set on his way. After he
back, master realized Bluz did his job well and awarded him his first Bard
Guild Quest! Soon after his short rest and some lessions, our hero set off for
another trip.
Months passed and Bluz was getting more and more experienced, as he met all
masters and had the honour to listen to their songs. He was impressed and
inspired at the same time, with one thought struck in his mind... I want to be

a Loremaster too, one day!
So young Bluz traveled far, to the east, where he, empowered with his previous
experience and knowledge, began to learn more about songs and the art of
singing, dancing and performing.
Little is know about his long vanerings allover the bat realms, seeking the
masters and learning songs from them, song after song, each song he knew by
heart he felt his life was more fulfilled and his determination grow.
By the time he knew by heart 4th song he learned from loremasters, Bluz also
had his very own song written. Nights he quietly slipped on the stage of 
Skeep Auditorium, practicing for the big moment, when he will perform for the
time before public and loremasters, who will also evaluate him!
When Bluz was ready, he had a big big problem, there was no master, to watch
performance, to evaluate his play... Young Bluz was waiting, minutes seemed
hours seemed like days, days seemed like...
And still he waits, quietly, in shadows, for his big chance...
Part 2 - Bluz gets to perform on stage
After long time of seeking, Master Qurp respeonded to the plea of youg Bluz,
and gave him instructions.
Performance was to take place, at the Great Amphitheater of Shadowkeep,
starting on
EET time is Sun Jun 09 00:45:00 2002
based on the time-mark from the other realms, so was decided by the great
master Qurp,on the 26th day of the 7th month (Alystos) of the year 641 in
our realms. It was winter and at 18:00 hours night was falling and cold
wind was blowing outside.
Despite that young Bluz was worm inside, knowing _the moment_ will come
In the moment of truth, the moon was shining and the stars were bright. Bluz
was confident in his abilityes and his performance. As the moment of truth 
came Bluz was ready and he performed the song, 
the song was great success, crowd loved it and Master was pleased.
But young Bluz had little chance to enyoj the fame, as he knew his goals are
high and he was far from reaching them. So Bluz went into the world again,
seekign fame and fortune, and learning new songs.
Long did we wait, but no info came from Bluz for a long time, until his old
friend Tfafalcon told him he need his help. Bluz responded promptly and 
together with others in party led by Mithrand they freed the mithical 
frostblade. Empowered by their success they did other grand deeds, one 
remarkable was killing Abriel, the bishop of Brimshire, whos eqs are now the
property of young Bluz.
After the booming success Bluz traveled east, to the great city of Shadowkeep
where he learned life has another test in store for him... He must perform 
With no hesitation Bluz wrote a play, based on idea from Henri, and 
performance was sheduled soon after the first rehersals. Missing the third
player, Bluz recruited Tfafalcon and together they played, after the cuatious
eye and in guidiance of the great master Typhos.
Performance took place... 22:00 EET, on 10th June as they state the time in 
outer realms. Crowd was, again, happy, except for Bagr whom was sad that the
babe died... go figure why. The parody was like none other played and many
were 1/2 amused and 1/2 shocked, but all liked it well... that minor 
detail... about Bagr :p
Now Bluz was 2/3 his way to tle goal, becomming a Loremaster. But, another
test of his might and abilityes awaited him... Writing a tale...
Again young Bluz set off in the wilderness. Seeking songmaster for more 
knowledge and imspiration. Word was, he found it, and that the tale is now
ready, but noone is certain, weather this holds to be true or not.
[to be continued ... ]

yours truelly, Blux
