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Library: The Tower


Author: Strikerbum
Date:Dec 22 2002

Outside the dark tower giants roamed. Winds screamed. Seas shrieked. She sat
on her stool in the room at the top of the tower, waiting. Ice crawled down
the walls and sparkled in the fine gossamer of her gown. Nothing moved save
the soft rise and fall of her breast. She had been young in the ways of magic,
and foolish. She had come to this tower seeking answers, but had been trapped
by its enchantment. She did not know that the last word spoken outside the
tower would become as frozen to her lips as she was to this stool. And when
she had left home that day her husband had smiled at her and said, "Will you
be gone long?" "No," she replied. Trapped. Her husband was now a powerful
mage, and yet even he could not rescue her, because he did not yet understand
this enchantment. The winds shifted to batter at a different wall of her
prison, and the giants ceased their pacing and pounded furious fists into the
air. She lifted her head, her eyes burning. Her husband arrived in his usual
flurry of bright power. He stepped to her side and lifted a fold of the icy
material from her shoulder with a gentle finger. Rivulets of warmth ran down
her body. He spoke. "My world is still and listless without you. Will you come
home?" Thus he had asked for each of the five hundred and nine years he'd
appeared here to her. There was nothing more she wanted to do than go home.
Nothing. But he did not understand the word that jailed her.


His eyes clouded, and his hand dropped. When would he ask the right question,
she thought? When would he ask, "Would you rather stay here?" But that was not
the question a loving husband asked. He left. Outside the dark tower giants
roamed. Winds screamed. Seas shrieked. She sat on her stool in the room at the
top of the tower, weeping. The bitterest irony of all was that if the tower
knew she wanted to go, then it would let her.
